We have been taught that the Commandments in the Old Testament has been done away with when Yshua died on the cross. But that is another BIG, BIG Lie that we have been taught.

                       To my understanding, Forever is Forever


                                         DID NOT STOP

                                           at the Cross!


Yshua said in Matthew 5:17-18:

Do not think that I came to weak or destroy the Torah or the Prophets. I have not come to weaken or destroy but to completely reveal it in its intended fullness. For I tell you until the present heavens and earth pass away, not one yud or one point shall by any means pass from the Torah until all is fullfilled.


Are the heavens and the earth still here? Yes, then the Torah and the Prophets are still here and will be until they disappear, which is not going to happen as they will be renewed.




Shalom and abundant blessings,

Anna Constance