We have been taught that our Creator is the God of the "Church" and He has forsaken "Israel," which we apply to the Jewish people...


But is that another Lie or deceit that we have been taught?


Again we turn to Scriptures to see what they say...


Psalm 41:13

Blessed is YHVH Elohim of Yisrael from everlasting and to everlasting. Amein and Amein.


From the above verse, we can see that He is YHVH Elohim of Yisrael...

The verses below usually are translated as Church. But let's see how the "Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Study Bible" [RSTNESB] translates it as.


Matthew 16:18

And I also say to you, "That you are Kefa [Peter], and upon this Rock I will restore My congregation as a House of praise; and the gates of Ge-Hinnom shall not prevail against it.



Eidta in Aramaic, or congregation of Yisrael. Not a new and separate gentile entity called "the church." Shem Tov Matthew shows that Yahushua's congregation is the fulfillment of Isaiah 56:7, where all who keep Shabbat and all who guard His Name YHWH, will enter the rebuilt House of Prayer for all nations.


Acts 2:47

Offering praise to YHVH, and having favor with all the people. And YHVH ADDED TO the congregation of Yisrael daily all those being saved.


Notice this verse says that YHVH ADDED TO the congregation of Yisrael, not a new and separate entity of a Gentile Church.


Acts 7:38

This is he that was in the eidta-ekklesia-congregation of Yisrael in the wilderness with the Malach-YHVH who spoke to him on Mount Sinai and with our fathers; who received the living words to give to us.


Even if you use the word "Church," the "Church" started in the wilderness at Mount Sinai. But the word used here would have been ekklesia.


Ephesians 1:22

And has put all things under His feet and gave Him to be the head over all things in the Yisraelite congregation.


Revelation 1:20...

... and the seven menorot [lamp stands, Menorahs] that you saw are the seven Yisraelite congregations.



These  seven congregations are historic Yisraelite congregations and were addressed individually in their first-century historical context. While some of the principles and details in these admonitions have eternal applications to us today, they are not - nor do they represent - periods, or dispensations in ecclesiastical history, as some dispensationalists have tried to portray in their sensationalist twisting of Scripture.


Revelations 2-3

Anna's Note: The Apostle Sha'ul and John were sent to the so-called Gentile Churches, which were really Israelite congregations or assemblies. They were the assemblies that went all the way back into the desert at Mount Sinai and to the book of Acts where YHVH ADDED TO that congregation.


They went to the congregations where the Israelites from the 10 Northern tribes had been scattered.


Look at James 1:1

Yaakov [Jacob], an eved [servant] of YHVH and the Master Yshua ha Moshiach [The Messiah] to the twelve tribes who are scattered abroad among the nations in the galut [exile or diaspora]. Shalom.



This scroll is written to all twelve tribes of Yisrael, who are all said to still be in the exile, or dispersion around 60 C.E. if the House of Judah had all returned in 520 BCE in the days of Ezra as some falsely assert, then James would be addressing nine tribes still in dispersion, not twelve. Both houses at the time of Yahushua were in full exile, other than a tiny unbelieving remnant in the province of Judea, who later were exiled as well. The born-again believers are called brothers, from the 12 tribes. James who was Yahushua's step-brother, had no problem understanding just who all believers in Messiah truly are.


So, is YHVH the God of the "Church" or the God of the Congregation of all 12 tribes of Israel?


I hope this has helped you understand that if you are in Messiah Yshua [Jesus], then you are an Israelite of the Israelite congregation according to Ephesians 2:12. "aliens from the Commonwealth of Yisrael...".  You may not be directly descended from one of the 12 tribes of Israel, but your fore fathers may have been part of the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt with the Israelites and had to keep the Commandments and the Covenant if they wanted to be part of Israel. Then they were not to be considered a "Gentile" any longer, but an Israelite.


Read the book of Hosea that was written to the 10 Northern tribes of Israel who had back slidden.


For those who have to hear

Thou art an Israelite

and not a Gentile any longer!



"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,  

be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"

1 Timothy 1:17 



Shalom and abundant blessings,

Anna Constance