July 2,012
Another lie that we have been told is that the 12 tribes of Israel has already been regathered. Therefore, there is no longer Two Houses of Israel, and that there is only the House of Judah which constitutes the House of Israel, so we've been told.
Is it true that the 12 tribes of Israel have already been regathered? I had a Messianic Jewish Rabbi tell me that they have already been regathered. So, as always we go to the Scriptures to see what they state.
I will be sharing Scriptures from the New Testament to prove that they had not been regathered during the first century, and why they have not been regathered yet as of today.
Matthew 10:5-6
These twelve Yshua sent forth and commanded them saying, Go not the way of the gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter not: But go rather to the lost sheep that have strayed and whored from the House of Yisrael.
Sheep in the Scriptures always refer to the House of Israel, both Yahudah and Israel. But there were some sheep who got lost... Click on "Jewish people Israel" for who the sheep are...
Matthew 18:11
For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.
The Restoration Scriptures True Name Study Bible {RTNSB} Notes states: That's the whole point of His coming. To seek and rescue Yisrael's scattered sheep. The point being that Yahushua cares for every lost sheep of Yisrael, including those who still think they are just believing gentiles.
John 7:34-35
You shall seek Me and shall not find Me: and where I am, there you cannot come. Then said the Yahudim among themselves, Where will He go, that we shall not find Him? Will He go to the dispersed among the Greeks and the pagan nations and teach them?
RTNSB Notes states: The word here is Greeks, and taken along with the term "dispersed," it refers to Yisrael's non-Jewish exiles among the Greek nations. That would include Corinth, Athens, and all the other Greek-dominated countries and cities at that time, such as Antioch. From many sources such as First Maccabees 12:19-23, we know that the Jews knew that the Greeks and Spartans were physical brothers from the same race. This passage is one of the clearest references to Efrayim-Yisrael in the nations at the time of Yahushua, and not back in the land. The mocking tone of this question also displays the ongoing animosity between Yisrael's two houses.
John 11:51-52
And this he spoke not by himself: but being Kohen HaGadol that year, he prophesied that Yshua should die for that nation; And not for that nation only, but that also He should gather together into echad {one} the House of Eloah that were scattered abroad.
RTNSB Notes states: The children of Yisrael, or Eloah that were already "scattered abroad" can only be referring to non-Jewish, or Efrayim-Yisrael, from the ten northern tribes. No other group of people possibly fits this description. Note that they were not pagans, but already covenant people in exile. Note also that they are called "children of Eloah," an end-time term referring to the 10 tribes of the north according to Hosea 1:10. Since Judah was mostly in the land of Yisrael at the time of this prophecy, it certainly points to Efrayim-Yisrael. Caiaphas pronounces this and the Spirit elaborates by saying that it is far better for Yahushua to die than for both houses to perish. Both those in the land, and those "scattered abroad," return by His death according to Caiaphas and John, so that both folds can become one again. Once the Spirit had declared the reason for Yahushua's death, we see an immediate remez, or hint application, of the gathering of the exiles of Efrayim back home. Rather than walk in Judah, where He would be prematurely arrested, Yahushua went into the wilderness to a city called Efrayim. Since Efrayim is in the wilderness of the nations, and since Judah's leaders no longer welcomed Him, He continued in Efrayim and remained there with His disciples. This is again a prophetic declaration by the Spirit in the remez/hint, that Yahushua will be rejected by Judah's elders, only to find refuge among scattered Efrayim in the wilderness of the nations. In so doing, He would remain there with His disciples for the better part of the next 2,000 years. The Spirit places these Scriptures in spiritual sequence and the message is clear. Yahushua has found His disciples primarily among returning Efrayim, and will continue to do so until His return.
Acts 11:19
Now they who were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus, and Antioch, proclaiming the word to none but to the Yahudim only.
RTNSB Notes states: To recover Yisrael's lost sheep, who had become the fullness of the nations... If Judah, was scattered in these areas, how much more and further was Efrayim scattered? Phoenicia was a well-known colony of Yisrael in the days of Solomon, as outlined in Scripture and by author Steven Collins in The Ten Lost Tribes of Yisrael Found.
1 Peter 1:1
Shimon Kepha, {Peter} an Apostle of Yshua, the Messiah, to the pilgrims SCATTERED THROUGHOUT in Pontus, Galut-Yah, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia ...
{RTNSB} Notes states: All areas of Yisraelite exile. The seven congregations of Revelation in Asia Minor as well.
Now for the most convincing verse that they were still scattered during the time of the Apostles!
James 1:1
Yaakov, {James} a servant of YHVH and the Master Yshua, the Messiah to the twelve tribes who are scattered abroad among the nations in the Galut: Shalom.
RTNSB Notes states: This scroll is written to all twelve tribes of Yisrael, who are all said to still be in the exile, or dispersion around 60 C.E. If the House of Judah had all returned in 520 BCE in the days of Ezra, as some falsely assert, then James would be addressing nine tribes still in dispersion, not twelve. Both houses at the time of Yahushua were in full exile, other than a tiny unbelieving remnant in the province of Judea, who later were exiled as well.
Now for some other evidences that the 12 tribes have not been regathered yet.
Batya Ruth Wooten states in Ephraim and Judah, Israel Revealed
"Some people teach that the two houses of Israel have already been reunited. However, this cannot be true because the hallmarks of a fully restored Israel are sinlessness, living safely in the Land, and being under the rule of King of Kings. It is evident that these conditions have not been met; therefore, Israel's two houses could not possibly be fully reunited at this time. As Believers, we realize that Israel's unity is presently imputed in Messiah Y'shua, but Israel has not yet fully implemented that unity {Ezekiel 37:22-26; Isaiah 27:9; Zechariah 8:3,7-8, 13; Ephesians 2}...
Two houses.
Two directions.
Two different purposes.
Now it is time to put them back together again."
There are other Scriptures, but I will share that in another article about Ezekiel's Sticks.
has Judah and Israel
been re-united?
NO, Not yet!
When will it happen"
1. When they are sinless.
2. When ALL TWELVE tribes, not just Yahudah, are living safely back in the Land of Israel.
then they
will be re-united
and NOT until then!
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance