July, 2012
Are all believers
the Bride of Christ?
If you hope to be the
Bride of Christ,
this is a very important article to read
and find out how to
take the steps to
become the Bride of Christ.
Another lie we have been taught is that all believers are the Bride of Christ {Messiah}.
I know, because I was taught that and believed it for most of my walk since I had asked Jesus {Yshua} to give me Eternal Life.
Let's see again how we have been told another BIG, BIG WHOPPER of a lie that will leave many Christians wailing and crying when they find out in the Kingdom of YHVH that they are not part of the Bride.
Eddie Chumney, founder of "The Hebrew Roots of Christianity" {see link on Messianic links} did a very good article titled "Hebraic View: Parable of the Ten Virgins," if you would like to read more details on it, or you can do a search to find out that not every believer will be the Bride of Messiah.
First, what we need to understand is that the five foolish virgins are believers also. Whenever you see "virgin" or "virgins" in the Scriptures, they are believers. The unbelievers are referred to as "whore" or "whores."
So, they are definitely believers, who did not have enough oil in the lamp when the Bridegroom came.
Let's look at the Scriptures about the Bride. I will be using "The Word of Yahweh" Scriptures.
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom... And of them were wise, and five were foolish... They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:.. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps... While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept... And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him... Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps... And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out... But the wise answered, saying, Not so, lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves... And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut... Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Master, Master, open to us... But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not... Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
There are several things to notice in the above Scriptures...
1} They were ALL virgins.
2} They ALL went forth to meet the Bridegroom when he came.
3} Five were wise.
4} Five were foolish.
5} The five foolish took their lamps but did not take oil with them.
6} The wise took oil with them.
7} The Bridegroom tarried later than they thought he would.
8} They ALL slumbered and slept. It was not just the foolish virgins that
slept. The wise virgins also slept.
9} He came at midnight.
10} ALL the virgins arose to meet him, but the foolish did not have enough
oil in their lamp to light their way.
11} The foolish virgins had to go buy oil. The bridegroom came while they
were gone to buy the oil.
12} The wise virgins were ready and went into the bridal chamber.
13} When the foolish virgins came back, they cried out to the bridegroom to
open to them.
14} The bridegroom told them that He never knew them.
15} Yshua warned us to Watch, because we do not know the day or hour
that the Son of man will come.
As we have learned, the foolish virgins were believers too. But, they did not have enough oil for their lamps. So they had to buy oil and the bridegroom came while they went to buy oil.
It's not that they did not have oil, but they did not have enough to last until the bridegroom came to meet them.
Why did they not have enough oil to last?
As we learn from this parable, a very important point is that the bridegroom took longer to come than the virgins expected, so they all fell asleep.
Parables relate truths for us. The truth is that as the time for Yshua gets near, and He takes longer to come back than what the majority of Christians believe He should, they will fall asleep in their faith.
As they see the antiChrist arise, many Christians will lose their faith and believe that the Bible is not true. They will blame their Pastors and Ministers who taught them that they would be raptured to heaven before the Tribulation Period started and their faith will be shaken.
But, I will cover that more in the article "The Pre-Tribulation Rapture."
Another reason that they did not have enough oil in their lamp is that they didn't folllow the Torah or have a Hebraic view of the second coming of Messiah.
The Prophet that was like Moses, was Torah Observant. He kept all His Abba's Commandments and did not break the least letter of them.
His Bride will want to reflect Him in all her ways, so she will do her best to keep her Bridegroom's Abba's Commandments. She will love the Commandments and not want to do anything that would displease Him.
Yshua said in John 15:10
If you keep My Commandments, you shall stay in My love; even as I have kept My Abba's Commandments and stay in His love.
There are things that she has to do to prepare for her wedding day to her intended bridegroom. She wants to please her bridegroom, or she should! She wants to look ravishing for him, so that he will be proud of his Bride.
So, it is with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The Bride must prepare herself for the wedding day to her Messiah and Bridegroom. The marriage is much more than just the wedding ceremony. It is a marriage of Covenant.
And as we all know, everyone at the wedding and reception is not the Bride. There is only one Bride and one Bridegroom. Then there are the parents, the siblings, the aunts and uncles, sometimes grandparents, cousin, nieces and nephews, friends of the Bride and friends of the Bridegroom.
Our position in the kingdom of YHVH will depend on what we did while here on this earth. If we live our life, the way we want or believe, more concerned about the things of the cares of the world and not about our intended Bridegroom, we will not be the Bride.
As we all know that when a Bride-to-Be nears her wedding day, she does not just appear at the wedding ceremony in a dirty, torn and wrinkled wedding garment. Yshua is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle.
If you say that you are a Christian, but you are living in sin, then repent of your sin, so that you can become the Bride. If you are sinning when He comes, you will not be the Bride and He will shut the door on you.
There is forgiveness with Him.
Below are excerpts from Eddie Chumney's article on the Ten Virgins:
The Torah is like a lamp.
The Torah requires that the 'lamp' is kept burning with oil at all times. The Torah and the Commandment of YHVH is a lamp.
FIVE WISE = Those who followed Torah
FIVE FOOLISH = Those who didn't follow Torah
The Wise follow Torah. Wisdom and understanding is following Torah... The Wise virgins were READY and prepared to marry the bridegroom {Yeshua the Messiah}.
While the Bridegroom tarried {the time between the 1st and 2nd coming of Yesha} BOTH the eventual 'wise' and 'foolish' slept.
If you don't have a hebraic view of the end of days then you are a candidate to be a foolish virgin!!!
If you are not preparing yourself to be the bride, you will not be the Bride.
A baby or young girl does not normally become a Bride. At least not in the Western hemisphere. A girl needs time to mature to become the Bride. Hopefully, she learns well.
I had seen a movie on the Bride. it showed a baby girl being born to the time that she was married to her Bridegroom. It showed how she matured and struggled with her weaknesses while the Ruach HaKodesh stayed with her through all her struggles until she was finally able to stand and over the weaknesses in her life. I wish I still had that movie. It was inspiring and encouraging.
I do not know whether I will be part of the Bride. I pray I will be. I can't imagine our Savior saying "Depart from Me! I never knew you!"
It's not that He is saying that He never knew you at all. But, the knowing that He is talking about is the intimate relationship as between a husband and wife. It is called "yada" in Hebrew as in physical intimacy. So, our Savior's Bride will know Him intimately spiritually.
She will take time to talk with Him and study and know His Word. She will want to talk about her intended Bridegroom to others, so they may also become part of the Bride. She will try to become all that she was created to be and overcome the weaknesses in her life.
I do not know everything that will be required to be part of the Bride, but this should be a start. All I know is that as time passes by, we will need to take time to be with Him, or we will not stand in the trials coming upon the earth.
All I know is that she is in love with her intended Bridegroom and wants to obey Him in all His ways and whatever He tells her to do or speak.
She will not be ashamed of Him, but will want to share Him with everyone who will listen, and when people do not want to hear about Him, she is grieved for them because they do not know Him as she knows Him.
The foolish virgins represent the believers who came after the Apostles and said that we no longer have to keep the Torah or the Commandments in the Old Testament because they are Jewish.
They broke their Covenant with their Savior and brought in their own holidays, etc. instead of keeping their Creator's Feast Days. Leviticus 23:1-2 {All of Leviticus 23}
As a result, They fell away from the faith of their forefathers. The apostasy was happening even when the Apostles were alive.
The wise virgins kept the Covenant with their Savior and kept His Feast Days and Sabbaths so they will have enough oil in their lamps to greet Him when He comes.
In April, 1992 I cried out to my Abba that I wanted to know Him. I opened to Hosea 2:19-20 in the Living Bible Version and it said that I would know Him in ways I never have before.
And it has happened that way. I have come to know Him in ways I never have before, and I pray that you will have that experience also. I am still learning to get to know Him and His ways and sometimes I fall down, but He always helps me back up.
May we all be counted worthy
to be His Bride!
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance