Christianity is the True Religion 


Rebekkah Avraham's photo.

I used to joke around when someone upset me and say, "Child, you are going to make me lose my religion!" Then it happened! I LOST my religion and it is the greatest thing that ever happened to me! Now I am treated like an alien when I voice that I am not a Christian! I usually hear a collective gasp! 

I am not a "Christian" but neither was Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John! Neither were Peter, Paul, or Mary! I say again, I do not worship on the "Venerable Day of the Sun!" I do not celebrate the Winter Solstice birth of the Sun. I do not honour the "wife" of the Sun-god Ishtar/"Easter!" I do not spit on the Torah of the Most High! I do not eat everything this world has to offer. I do not profane the Sabbath. I no longer lie about following our Messiah... I actually started doing it. I love the Ancient Path. I adore the Torah. I delight in the Sabbath. I cherish the Feasts of our Father. And no, I am not "Jewish." 

This post is in response to numerous people who ask, who exactly are you and what religion are you? I am a Daughter of the Most High who finally surrendered to the King. I do not do "religion" save tending to the widows and fatherless. (James 1:27) That's all folks!







I used to joke around when someone upset me and say, "Child, you are going to make me lose my religion!" Then it happened! I LOST my religion and it is the greatest thing that ever happened to me! Now I am treated like an alien when I voice that I am not a Christian! I usually hear a collective gasp! I am not a "Christian" but neither was Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John! Neither were Peter, Paul, or Mary! I say again, I do not worship on the "Venerable Day of the Sun!" I do not celebrate the Winter Solstice birth of the Sun. I do not honour the "wife" of the Sun-god Ishtar/"Easter!" I do not spit on the Torah of the Most High! I do not eat everything this world has to offer. I do not profane the Sabbath. I no longer lie about following our Messiah... I actually started doing it. I love the Ancient Path. I adore the Torah. I delight in the Sabbath. I cherish the Feasts of our Father. And no, I am not "Jewish." This post is in response to numerous people who ask, who exactly are you and what religion are you? I am a Daughter of the Most High who finally surrendered to the King. I do not do "religion" save tending to the widows and fatherless. (James 1:27) That's all folks!  [By Rebekkah Avraham]
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I agree with Rebekkah. I also left Christianity because of the Lies that Christianity teaches and have returned to the ways of our forefathers. The first century believers were first called followers of "The Way." Later on, they began to be called "Nazarenes." I have not converted to the Nazarene faith either.
I just want to follow and walk as our Messiah and Savior, the Apostles, and first century believers walked and believed according to ALL 66 books, cover to cover, Genesis to the end of Revelation. . I know I will never get to be like them, unless the Ruach [Spirit] falls upon me. But, I want to strive to be like them. [1 John 2:6]
What were some of the Lies that our "Church" forefathers passed down to us through the centuries?
The Apostle Peter said in 2 Peter 2:1 that false apostles would come in among them bringing damnable heresies. Some of them are that the Torah [Law], our Creator's teachings and instructions have been done away with on the cross, that SUNday is the day of worship, Christmas and Easter is when Jesus was born and rose from the dead, we can eat whatever we want as long as we bless it, because after all Jesus made all foods clean and that is what the vision in Acts 10 was about.
We have all said that we want to return to how the first century "Church was." but, have you really read the book of Acts to see what they did to be as powerful as they were in spite of persecution?
That is what I hope to share with you throughout this site.


"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,  

be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"

1 Timothy 1:17 



Shalom and abundant blessings,

Anna Constance