My name is Anna Constance and I hope to share with you the Lies or "Man-Made" traditions we have been taught from the pulpit, whether by our Minister, Priest or Rabbi.
This web site is based on Jeremiah16verse19 which states in the Restoration True Name Study Bible [RTNSB]:
"O YHVH, my strength and my stronghold, and my refuge in the day of Tribulation, the Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth, and shall say, "Surely our fathers have inherited only lies, only vanity and things in which there is no profit."
The devil told lies in the Garden of Eden, in Jeremiah's time and is still at his trade today. In fact through out all history because he is the father of all lies.
John 8:44
If you are ready to learn what those lies are that I learned when I started going to House of Joseph Ministries in 8/2,000, then you will have the ears to hear what the Ruach [Spirit] is saying to His people.
As our Savior said in the book of Revelation, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." It is not my intent to offend anyone but I hope that if you read something that you do not believe, that you will pray to our Father in heaven and ask Him to show you what the Truth is.
If you are sincere in wanting to know the Truth, The Ruach HaKodesh [Holy Spirit] will reveal the Truth to you and help you to come out of the Lies you have been taught.
Our Creator is calling us by whistling for us to come out of the Lies that our forefathers have passed down to us back into "HIS" Truth, "HIS" paths and "HIS" ways. Some know from the pulpits that what they are teaching is a Lie. Could it be that they are ministers of the devil?
Some Ministers love power, greed, money, luxurious living and popularity more than the Truth. Some Priests and Rabbis know the Truth, but will not teach it out of fear that they will be excommunicated from the Church or from the synagogue. They love the praise of man more than the praise of their Creator and Savior.
But, some Ministers, Priests and Rabbis who are not afraid to tell the Truth, have come out of those Lies. They have lost some of their congregation, but then regained others who wanted to know the Truth.
I am not a learned Bible Scholar. I can only share with you what I have learned.
Before we go any further, please, do not take my word as being the Truth unless you search the Scriptures, to make sure that what I tell you lines up with the Scriptures. [Bible}.
Acts 17:11 "These were nobler than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind AND searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so."
How did they search the Scriptures? With all readiness of mind.
How often did they search the Scriptures? When they felt like it after they watched their favorite Soap program, maybe, or sports games? No, they searched them daily.
Eddie Chumney of has stated that unless you understand the Old Testament Scriptures from a Hebrew perspective, you will miss out on what the Father is doing in these Last Days, as the Old Testament was written in Hebrew.
Monte Judah has said that we need to put off our Greek and Roman thinking and rose colored glasses and put on our Hebrew thinking that the majority of the Scriptures were written in.
If we take away the Old Testament Scriptures, which they warn us not to do, then we are taking away the foundation of our faith. The Renewed Covenant is based on the Old Covenant.
Jeremiah 31:31-33, Hebrews 8:8-10, Hebrews 10:16-17.
Romans 12:2 states "and be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of Elohim."
How do we renew our minds? Through the studying of His Word....
Believe it or not, our Savior, the Prophets, His Apostles, and the first century believers "DID NOT" carry a King James Version [KJV} "ONLY" Bible. The Scriptures they searched and studied was the Tanach, Prophets and Writings or the Old Testament. The Hebrew Scriptures were the only Scriptures available at that time!
I use to take my Minister's word as being the Truth, because after all, he went to cemetery [sic] seminary, so what do I know? But then, YHVH took me on a path I did not know.
2 Timothy 3:3-4 states "For the time will come when they will not endure sound teaching; but after their own lusts, they shall add for themselves teachers, tickling the ears. And they shall TURN AWAY their ears from the Truth and shall be turned to man-made traditions."
That is exactly what has happened. The Apostle Sha'ul [Paul] in Acts 20:29-30 stated "For I know this that after my departing, grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves men shall arise, speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them."
Are you willing to search for and believe the Truth, even though your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, friends or children do not believe it and will think that you are a kook, or threaten that it's either them or your Messianic faith? It happens all the time. I know someone that stopped coming to our congregation because his wife didn't want anything to do with it. It is difficult to stay with the Truth when your loved one fights with you about it.
Remember, our Savior said in Matthew 10:37, "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me." He is not saying not to love them, but that if you love them MORE THAN HIM, you are not worthy of Him.
Are you afraid of what they would say and their opinion? If you do, then their opinion matters more to you than what your Creator and Savior thinks.
Isaiah 18:15f-g
for we have made lies our refuge and under falsehood we have hidden ourselves.
Jeremiah 7:3-4a, 23:32
Thus says YHVH of hosts, The Elohim of Israel, " not in lying words... See, I am against them that prophesy false dreams," says YHVH "and those who tell and cause My people to go astray by their lies and by their reckless boasting."
As I close, I have some more questions:
Will you be afraid to go in the opposite direction of the world,
and even the professing Christian denominations are going?
will you be courageous enough that you will decide
to follow your Creator and Savior even though no one goes with you?
Remember the song
"Though none go with me, still I will follow Jesus"?
Are you willing to follow Him
even though it may be against what you have
believed all or most of your life
or what anyone else will say?
Has your Minister, Priest or Rabbi been teaching you Lies?
You won't know if you do not study and search
the Scriptures on your own!
Have you questioned what you have been taught?
If so,
are you ready to come out of the Lies into
the Truths of your heavenly Creator and Father?
You may become excited, then angry,
then feel the foundation has been pulled out from under you
as that is how I felt.
Just relax....
your heavenly Father and Creator
is just putting His firm foundation under you!
Should we keep our Creator's Torah, Sabbaths, and Feasts,
or man-made traditions?
Which do you think the devil would want us to
keep and believe?
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance
p.s. I would like to apologize ahead of time for the different ways the articles appear from each other. I accidentally deleted the heading, so had to put the heading in the article itself.
Then also sometimes, the site would not let me highlight, bold or change the color on it. Also the size does not appear as 20px in some articles.
Again, I apologize for the differences.