July 2,012
No, this is not about diets. Although, it may be a good idea for some of us to go on a diet.
All I can say is, "WOW!" We have really been deceived and lied to on this one. I know I sure have been.
It wasn't until I started going to House of Joseph Ministries and Chuck Wilder would say that he loved killing the sacred cows of Christianity, that I realized how much the devil has lied to us.
At first, I was excited. Then I got angry, because if we have been lied to, how can we know the Truth? Then, I finally settled down and said, "Father, I know that You med me to House of Joseph and I will continue going there until You tell me to leave. I will learn what I need to learn and You will cause me to remember what I need to remember. I have been going to House of Joseph for 12 years, this coming August 1st. It is the longest I have ever gone to a Church or Congregation.
Our Savior said in John 8:32, "And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free."
But, only the Truth that you KNOW will set you free. The Truth does not automatically set someone free. The Truth only sets a person free when they believe and receive it.
So what is the Truth?
In John 14:6, Yshua said, "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me." Yshua is the Living Truth. There is only one way to the Father and that is through His Son Yshua.
Psalm 119:142b states: ... Your Torah is the Truth.
WOW! The Torah is the Truth? So why do we not want to have anything to do with the Torah if it is the Truth?
Mark 7:1-23 is about the Pharisees and Scribes asking Yshua why His disciples did not wash their hands before eating according to the Tradition of the Elders.
Yshua's response is not a very pleasant one or that they wanted to hear. But that is another subject. This article is about Mark 7:19. So let's see what several versions state about verse 19, shall we?
New Living Translation {NLT}
Food doesn't go into your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer. {By saying this, he declared that every kind of food is aceptable in God's eyes.}
New International Version {NIV} - Nearly Inspired Version! tee hee!
For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body. {In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.}
Geneva Bible {1587}
Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught which is the purging of all meats?
King James Version {1611}
Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?
Modern King James Version {MKJV}
because it does not enter into his heart, but into the belly, and goes out into the waste bowl, purifying all food?
Holman Christian Standard Bible {HCSB}
For it doesn't go into his heart but into the stomach and is eliminated.
The Holy Family Edition of the Catholic Bible
For it does not enter his heart, but his belly and passes out into the drain.
Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Study Bible {RSTNSB}
Because it enters not into his lev {heart}, but into his stomach, and then is thrown out through the intestines, thereby purifying the food.
{RSTNSB} Notes States:
Yahushua in no way is reversing any laws of kashrut/permitted clean foods, for if He even considered reversing one, he could not by definition be the Messiah. No, instead the topic here regards the traditions of washing hands so as to be considered ritually pure. This was pure tradition finding no basis in Torah instructions. Yahushua gives Yisrael the understanding that washed, or unwashed hands do not change a man, or woman's heart. That is all that is taking place here.
When reading the newer versions of the Scriptures, we need to be very careful and diligent, as they will either add to the Scriptures or take away or say something entirely different from the original meaning.
The Holy Family Edition of the Catholic Bible did not have that phrase in there. People, start really reading your Bibles. Don't just skim over it.
Whenever you see a statement or phrase in paranthesis, it has been added into the text. Some people have said that Mark added it to clarify what Yshua said declaring all food clean.
I do not agree with that. Mark was a Torah observant Jew and he would never have added that statement into what Yshua said. He kept the kosher dietary laws.
If Yshua would have said that we could eat unclean meats, Mark would have said that He was a false Messiah, as the Messiah was to be like Moses. Deuteronomy 18:18. Moses said that a Prophet LIKE HIM would arise and to listen to Him.
What was Moses known for? The Torah.
What would the Messiah be known for? The Torah.
After all, is Yshua not the Living Torah come in the flesh?
If He would have cancelled the kosher laws, He would have been a Liar as He said in Matthew 5:19 that anyone who breaks the least of the Torah or Prophets, would be called least in the kingdom of YHVH.
He would have broken His Abba's Commandments concerning the kosher laws. How could He possibly say that in Matthew 5:19 about obeying and disobeying the Commandments, then go ahead and break the kosher law?
It just does not make sense to me. How about you?
If Yshua would have broken the least of the Commandments, He would not have been the Messiah. That is where grace comes in. He died to give us the grace to keep the Torah Commands as it is only through Him that we are able to do so.
Doug Baxter on his TV program said, that a lot of Christians think they have arthritis, but what they really have is "pigitis!" I thought that is so funny! I couldn't help but chuckle every time I thought about it.
Our Creator has told us what to eat in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. It would be a good thing to read thoroughly when you have the time. It will amaze you that there are certain foods that make us unclean or is an abomination to YHVH.
Why does He tell us not to eat pork or shellfish? Because, He created them to be garbage eaters.
Pigs and shellfish do not have pores to sweat out the toxins that they take into their bodies. Whatever they take into their bodies is what you take into your body. Think of what pigs eat and what they roll around in. Think about what shellfish eat from the bottom of the ocean and we know how polluted the oceans are, don't we?
And besides the fact, if He is our Father, He has the right to tell us what to do. Just as you expect your children to obey you, so our heavenly Father expects us to obey Him.
What did we all hear growing up when we asked "Why?" Our parents would tell us "Because I said so!" We tell our children that, so why do we have such a hard time wanting to do what our heavenly Father tells us to do?
We also were told "As long as you are living in my house, you do as I say!" Well, if you want to live in your heavenly Father's house, you must do as he says and not what you want to do {or believe}.
If He says that certain things are not to be eaten, then why are we rebelling against what He says is good for us to eat? Why do we want to eat something that is not good for us, can make us unclean or is an abomination to us and to Him?
You say that the laws about the clean and unclean are in the Old Testament and is not for today. Hmmm. Do we still have bodies that can get sick by what we eat? Yes, we do!
Even the medical profession says that certain foods are not good for us. We are more willing to believe what the medical profession says is good for us to eat or not eat, before we will believe what our Creator says is good for us to eat nor not to eat.
All I know is that as much as I loved shrimp, crab and lobster, my cholesterol went down almost in half. TheTriglycerides were over 400 and it went down to 220.
2 Corinthians 6:17 states: Therefore come out from them and be separate, says YHVH. Touch no unclean thing and I will receive you.
Hmmm. Isn't this a New Testament verse under the "Age of Grace?" Yet, YHVH is saying that we are not to touch the unclean thing. I'm not sure what unclean thing YHVH is talking about, but I believe that it possibly could be unclean food.
Whether it is about food or not that YHVH is talking about in this verse, it shows us that we can become unclean even in the New Testament or REnewED Covenant.
Why is it that the things our Creator told us to eat are so blah and the things that He told us not to eat, tastes so good?!
It was easy to give up pork chops, but I didn't want to give up my BLT sandwiches. Then found out there is turkey bacon. Although it can be tough, if I cook it in butter, it tastes a lot better.
What was really hard for me to give up was shrimp, crab and lobster. Whenever I went to Red Lobster, I ordered shrimp scampi. And if a restaraunt had lobster and I had the money, I ordered lobster.
But what helped me give it up is when Rabbi Ralph Messer said to just think of them as a big puss. That did it for me! Now every time I go by the counter with shrimp and lobster, I think "UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!"
Now I want to obey my Father in heaven and to please Him.
Our Creator knows that what we eat does affect our physical health and causes a lot of medical problems.
My Dad use to say that as long as we have our health, we have everything. I didn't think much about it because I was young and in good health. Now as I am oldER, I wish I had listened to my Dad.
Let's look at another account when Yshua crossed the Sea of Galilee by boat to the region of Gadara, a gentile area on the eastern shore. Hwas met by a man who was demon-possessed.
You may ask what does this have to do with keeping kosher laws. Hold on, I'm getting there.
In the encounter, the demons requested that Yshua would send them into a herd of 2,000 swine feeding on a nearby hillside. Yshua gave them permission to do so. When the demons entered the swine, they ran violently down the hill into the sea and drowned.
The people were very upset over what Yshua did. Why? Because they lost their livelihood. The pigs would have fed thousands of people.
But, swine was never considered to be food for the Israelites. The owners of this herd were acting in direct disobedience of YHVH's Torah Commands.
Yshua would never have allowed the demons to enter the swine if they had been clean animals. but because they were not considered clean food, that is why Yshua allowed them to enter the swine.
If pigs were considered unclean in Yshua's day, so that He sent the demons into them, and YHVH said in Malachi 3:6 that He does not change, then that means that His Laws on eating unclean food is still the same today in the 21st century and still remains unclean for us to eat even today.
Something to think about, at least hopefully.
Why should we think when we can just turn on the TV or the radio
and let someone much smarter {maybe not!}
than us do all the thinking for us?
Do you want to
please your heavenly Father?
Will you continue to eat unclean food,
will you repent and
start eating clean foods that
your Creator said to eat?
You will be a lot healthier if you do.
After all,
He made our bodies
and knows what is best
for us to eat,
don't you think?
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance