July 2,012
Another lie that we have been taught is the Name of our Savior. Is the Name "Jesus" our Savior's True Name? Hold onto your seats, while I show you that His Name is not Jesus. Stop and think about it.
The language that the people spoke during the first century was the Hebrew language and the Aramaic language. If the angel Gabriel would have told Miriam {the Hebrew Name for Mary} that she was to call His Name "Jesus," she would have been surprised and wondered what kind of Name that was.
The English language did not come into existence until hundreds of years later.
The Restoration Scriptures True Name Study Bible {RSTNB} Luke 1:31 states: "And see, you shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a Son, and shall call His Name Yshua."
Our Savior's Name is also spelled in many different ways: Yeshua, Yahshua, Yahshuah, Yahushuah, among others. I will be spelling His Name in the abbreviated form, as Yshua.
Who would not want us to know our Savior's True and correct Name? I believe that it is the enemy of our soul, the devil, who is the original slick Willy.
As I said in the article that our Creator's Name is not God, and since there is not a "J" in the Hebrew language, Jesus cannot His True Name. It is a transliteration of Yshua's Hebrew Name. It evolved from:
Yshua - Iesous
Iesous - Jesus
I believe that our Savior's Name is also being restored to our Abba's people.
If you take YHVH's letters {Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey} and put them vertically, they look like a man standing there.
If you add the "shin" and put it in the "hey," you get Yshua's Name as part of YHVH's Name. And it shows us that Yshua comes to dwell in our hearts when we believe on His Name. The name Jesus just does not fit in with YHVH's Name. Can you do that if you put the title "God" vertically and try to fit "Jesus" in it? It just does not fit...
I love calling upon the Name of Yshua. The name Jesus has a hard sound to it, but the Name Yshua has a soft sound.
To see how it looks, go to: http://www.yhwh.com/Cross/cross22.htm
As we draw that name vertically it looks like this:
The "Shin" represents the heart. "This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased. Hear ye Him!"
Of course, if you have called upon the Name of Jesus to save you and you were calling upon the God of Israel in the scriptures, then you have been born of His Ruach {Spirit.}.
Acts 17:30 states that in time past, YHVH winked at our ignorance, but now commands all men {and women} everywhere to repent.
You were taught that our Savior's Name is Jesus, so He looked past that and saved you. We will all be pronouncing and writing His Name correctly when our Savior returns to earth, right?
Proverbs 30:4 states: Who has ascended up into the heavens, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth?
Here is the part that I want you to take notice of....
What is His Name, and what is His Son's Name, if you can tell?
WOW! Even back here in Proverbs, when King Solomon wrote it, YHVH was saying that He had a Son and was asking if you knew His Son's Name.
Since the Torah was written in Hebrew, His Son's Name would not have been "Jesus!" His Name is Yshua!
As with our Abba's True and correct Name, I love to say our Savior's True and correct Name.
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance