July 2,012
What are parables?
The Random House Webster's Colledge Dictionary describes a parable as:
a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.
Our Savior used parables to all the time to convey a truth. Sometimes, people cannot grasp something unless they are able to compare it to something that they are familiar with. Example: He used nature to teach truths the common people would understand.
He talked about the flowers of the field, the birds in the air, a mustard seed, a fig tree, etc.
The Lie that we have been taught is that the parables are not really all that important or is just a nice story, but does not really teach anything important. We just skim over them, not really meditating on what they convey.
Should we give more credence to the parables than we have? I believe that the parables do teach very important lessons and should make us take notice of them.
Example: The parables of the ten virgins and the servants all have one thing in common.
What would be the theme between the ten virgins and the servants?
1} The bridegroom tarried longer than expected.
2} The Master was gone longer than expected.
So the virgins fell asleep. The servants beat up the other servants.
Look for themes that are common in the parables to arrive at a truth.
What is the Truth of these parables?
Yshua will take longer to come back than most Christians expect Him to come back. Therefore, they will fall asleep and some will even betray other believers.
Only the virgins who had oil in their vessels for their lamps were able to go into the Bridal Chamber with their Bridegroom.
I pray that you will be a virgin who has enough oil in your vessel. I pray that for myself also. If you don't make it as the Bride, you may be a friend of the Bridegroom or a servant.
I hope you enjoy studying the parables.
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance