Another lie we have been taught is that we are Gentiles and the Jewish people are Israel... Let's see what the article below states.
Here is a excerpt from the article "What is the Difference Between the Jews and Israel."

"The captured people of Israel were placed in the western part of the [Assyrian] empire... Rather than be taken captive by the Babylonians, the Assyrians migrated westward and, in doing so, they pushed the Israelites farther westward.

In the late 1800's some clay Assyrian cuneiform tablets were discovered and they were finally translated in the 1930's.

These tablets were Assyrian records of this 700's BCE Israelite deportation. There were four records of four deportations, which proved the ten tribes of the northern Nation of Israel were assembled into Assyrian culture and became identifiable as the Camerians, the Sycthians, and the Goths.

Our records of ancient history show that over several hundred years, and through different paths, the Sycthian, Camerian and the Goths migrated essentially to northwest Europe and became known as the Anglo-Saxon Celtic people.

Linguistic analysis of the word 'Anglo-Saxon' shows the word 'Saxon' means 'Sons of Isaac'. This is exactly what was promised to Abraham and again to Jacob...

Gen. 48:16 'The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.'

Our CREATOR's statement to Abraham, 'in Isaac shall your seed be called' has now happened exactly that way. The basic message the CREATOR was relaying through Abraham is, 'That through Isaac, the Children of Israel will be able to learn their identity.'

Secular history traces the Anglo-Saxon 'lost ten tribes' of Israel through the Caucasus Mountain, where they picked up the name 'Caucasians!'

From there they migrated into Europe and England. Portions of them migrated from Europe to America.....Generally speaking, the democracies of Europe, America, and the countries of the former British Commonwealth are the 'lost tribes of Israel'. Most people in these countries have the mistaken feeling that they are gentile because most people today have no idea past two or three generations where they came from...

The people of NW Europe migrated to the British Isles, Ireland, and Scotland. They colonized South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and America. Since they were from the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic people and are called Saxons [sons of Isaac], this is a fulfillment of prophecy.

For a long time, many people have felt there was more to the Hebrew Scriptures [OT] than they have been taught. This is true because the Hebrew Scriptures is written to the people of Israel.
The world time clock says we are less than a minute away from midnight. The hour is late in this earth age and the time is too short just to be playing Church.

Educate yourself on the location of Israel and the truth of The Holy Scriptures."

Anna's notes:
hmmmm. interesting that we call ourselves "Caucasian"...

Genesis 18:18
Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him.

Restoration Scriptures True Name Study Bible Edition Note:
"Hebrew for blessed here is nivrechu and not only means "blessed" but also "mixed." All nations will have Abraham's seed mixed into their populations."

That is how the nations of the earth will be blessed is when we wake up to who we really are.
Ephesians 2:12 states to the Ephesians:
"That at that time you were without Messiah, being excluded, aliens from the COMMONWEALTH OF YISRAEL, as gentiles [strangers] from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without Eloah in the world."

Acts 2:47
... and YHVH ADDED TO the congregation of Yisrael daily all those being saved."

Notice it says that YHVH ADDED TO. He did not start a new religion on the day of Pentecost. The followers of Messiah were keeping Shavuot or Pentecost that had been kept since the wilderness.

Acts 7:38
This is he that was in the congregation of Yisrael in the wilderness with the King YHVH, who spoke to him on Mount Sinai and with our forefathers; who received the living words to give to us.

Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Study Bible {RSTNESB] Note:
Acts 7:38 speaks of the eidta, or congregation [mistranslated as "church' in most English bibles] that was in the wilderness, which clearly indicates those of first-century Yisrael thought that the people being called forth in Messiah, were "one and the same" with those of ancient Yisrael. YHWH's Spirit, not man wrote this Acts 7 quotation. He placed this verse here, to make sure that the disciples understood, just as Stephen the Jewish martyr understood things. Namely, that the Renewed Covenant Yisraelite community was the historic and prophetic continuation of the people of Yisrael, made up of twelve tribes plus strangers. It is not the birth of a new and separate entity of elect called "the church." It is the historic continuation of Yisrael, through Messiah's renewal of Yisrael. But, ultimately, this congregation has a name, and it is not "Messianic Judaism," or "Christian church," but "Yisrael." Hence the term "eidta," or "congregation" of Yisrael.
In the LXX [Greek Septuagint] the Hebrew word for "congregation," or "kahal" Yisrael was translated by 70 Jewish rabbis in 150 CE into the Greek word ekklesia - the same word used here in the "Greek New Testament" for all Renewed Covenant congregations throughout the Renewed Covenant, meaning that the authors considered the congregations that believed in Yahushua as the same Yisrael that was at Mt. Sinai.


As the article states and Diane Wilder told me years ago:
                                     He [she] who has ears to hear!
                                Thou art an Israelite! [not a Gentile]!

The thought just came to me.... that if Abraham had Ishmael & Isaac, and Isaac is the chosen seed, then that means if we are not Israel, then we are from Ishmael, which means that we are against YHVH and Israel!

Then again, you may be also a part of the Gentile nations that were not part of Ishmael, but did not believe in the Elohim of Israel. But you really do not want to be a Gentile as Gentiles were people who did not believe in the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Do a search on where the 10 tribes of Israel migrated to. It will amaze you. They were scattered throughout all the world. That is how all the nations will be blessed by Abraham's seed.
                                              So do you want to be
                                                 part of Ishmael,
                                              the Gentile nations,

"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,  

be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"

1 Timothy 1:17 



Shalom and abundant blessings,

Anna Constance