August, 2,014
Another lie that we have been taught is that the Jewish people are the whole House of Israel. Is that true or is it another lie?
Let's put off our Western {if you are in the Western Hemisphere}, Gentile
{if you are not Jewish} and Greek mindset; and put on a Hebrew mindset.
Notice, I did not say a Jewish mindset, but a Hebrew mindset. Eddie Chumney of Hebraic Heritage Ministries has said that if you do not understand Prophecy from a Hebrew perspective, then you will not understand what YHVH is doing in these last days.
You will in fact, miss out on what He is doing. So, let's review the history of mankind. I know most of you know this, but for those who do not...
Adam and Eve are our first parents.
They had Seth.
Down to Noah.
Abraham and Sarah came along who are the father and mother of our faith.
They had Yitzchak {Isaac}.
Yitzchak and Rebecca had Yaakov {Jacob}.
Yaakov, Rachel, Leah and their handmaidens had 12 sons.
The 12 sons became 12 tribes.
This study does not follow the lineage of Ishmael, Abraham's oldest son. That may be another study.
The 12 sons that Yaakov [Jacob] sired were:
Reuven {Reuben}
Shimeon {Simeon}
Yahudah {Judah}
Yissacher {Issachar}
Zevulon {Zebulon}
Yoseph {Joseph}
Benyamin {Benjamin}
So if Yaakov had 12 sons and not just one son, where are the descendants of his other sons located at?
How come we only see one son or tribe of Yaakov today? Let's continue on to a little more with a brief history.
Later, Yoseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. They were jealous of him because their father Yaakov loved Yoseph more than the others, because he was born from Rachael, whom Yaakov loved. He was taken to Egypt. A lot of years passed and a lot of things happened. Yoseph was Rachel's first born son. Yoseph had two sons. When a famine came to Canaan, Yaakov and his sons went down to Egypt to live.
Yaakov and Yoseph died. A Pharaoh arose who did not know Yoseph. The children of Israel {Yaakov} became great as the sand of the sea as it was foretold by YHVH. Pharaoh tried killing all the male babies who were born because he was afraid they would rebel against him.
But, YHVH sent them a deliverer, named Moshe {Moses} who led them out of Egypt after a series of plagues sent by YHVH. The last plague being all the firstborn of men and beast died. And it wasn't just babies that died. Every household had a first born and a lot of them were grown. I do not know if that included women who were firstborn or not. Egypt told them to leave and gave them all their wealth.
They wandered in the desert for 40 years due to their idolatry and lack of trust instead of trusting YHVH. We can learn so much from the mistakes of the Israelites for our lives today.
So, when they left Egypt, was it just the tribe of "Judah" that left Egypt?
No, it was ALL TWELVE tribes of Yaakov PLUS a MIXED MULTITUDE that came out with them. When the mixed multitude saw what YHVH did, they decided they didn't want any more of the false gods who had no power. They decided they wanted to follow the Elohim Who did mighty, miraculous things, although there were some who wanted to escape Egypt before they died and caused problems when Moshe was up on Mount Sinai. As we know, they caused the Israelites to worship a golden calf. But some still clung to their idols and paid for it with their lives.
Numbers 15:16 states: "One Torah {Law} and one ordinance shall be for you and for the ger {sojourner or stranger} that sojourns with you."
When the mixed multitude accepted the Covenant of YHVH, they became as if they were naturally born Israelites and was to be considered an Israelite.
We also see that the Covenant that YHVH made with the sons of Yaakov was not just with them, but it was also with the mixed multitude or foreigners who believed.
I've heard and read so many preachers talking about Judah coming out of Egypt. No! It was ALL TWELVE tribes and the mixed multitude besides Judah.
Then, later, they cried for a king like the other nations. Seems they just do not learn to trust YHVH after all the miracles that He did for them. But it sounds like a lot of us today. I know I am guilty of that. Each new situation calls for trusting Him even though everything goes against it and He has brought us through so many times before.
So YHVH gave them what they wanted.
Saul was the 1st king.
David was the 2nd king.
Solomon, David's son was the 3rd king.
Because Solomon married heathen wives and worshiped their gods, YHVH took the kingdom away during his son's life time.
His son Rehoboam taxed the people even more heavily than Solomon did, so 10 tribes rebelled.
YHVH gave 10 tribes to Jeroboam, and left Judah and Benyamin to Rehoboam for David's sake and the promise he made to him that a descendant of his would reign on the throne of Israel forever.
As a result, the nation of Israel became two nations, divided from one another and fought against each other.
YHVH sent Prophet after Prophet warning the Northern Kingdom to make teshuvah {repent or turn back to His commandments and Covenant that He had made with them}, but they refused to do so.
The only way that they were allowed to stay in the land of Israel was to obey YHVH and keep His Commandments, Torah and Covenant. They refused to listen.
Finally after being long suffering with them, YHVH sent Assyria against them and they were scattered into the nations.
Yahudah was no better. In fact, was even worse. So, YHVH also sent Babylon against them and they were captured and taken to Babylon. But after 70 years, a remnant returned to Yahrushalayim {Jerusalem}.
The Jewish people have kept their identity, so we know who they are; or most of them. They have kept and guarded the Torah. If not for the Jewish scholars and Rabbis, we would not have the Scriptures that tell us about our beginning and how we came about. The Hebrew Scriptures also reveal our future to us.
Have you ever thought that if the Jewish people have survived all these thousands of years, don't you think that the other tribes have also survived to this very day?
But, where is the rest of the nation of Israel?
Have they been assimilated into the tribe of Yahudah as some believe? Or have they been hidden, living as another people until such a time as this? I believe that they are starting to awaken to who they really are and to their heritage.
Hosea 1:10-11 states: "Yet, the full number of the children of Yisrael shall be as the sand of the sea that cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said to them, You are not My people, there it shall be said to them, You are the sons of the Living Elohim. Then shall the children of Yahudah and the children of Yisrael be gathered together, and appoint for themselves One head; and they shall come up out of the land, for great shall be the Day of Jezreel." {regathering}
Who calls themselves the Sons of the Living God, and say that they believe in the God of the Bible or of Israel, but live as Gentiles?
Christians do! Might they be descended from one of the Lost tribes of Israel? Possibly, even from Yahudah as we all know that Jewish people have converted to other religions to avoid persecution and death.
Notice it states that when they were called "Not His people," that they shall be called the sons {and daughters} of the Living Elohim.
The Restoration True Name Scriptures Study Bible {RTNS} Notes state:
"A metaphor first given to the patriarchs that promises literally billions of biological offspring. The same people who were not a people and with no mercy will become the children of YHWH in numbers that cannot count, or fathom. Notice the term "them," meaning the latter-day children of YHWH are not a new people, but the same revived people.... and daughters... Peter the great apostle, states that the royal Renewed Covenant believer-priesthood of first Peter 2:9-10 are the same children of Elohim spoken about by Hosea 1:10. He even goes so far as calling this recreated priesthood "a set-apart" nation... Hosea 1:11 is truly a great glorious time as both scattered and assimilated houses are seen returning from all the nations or the gentiles... the children of Elohim come out of the earth of rejection from both houses, back to YHWH and the land of Yisrael. The regathering is simultaneous, and cannot have one house being restored, while the other remains in exile. They were exiled separately, but will return together at the same time..."
So what happened to the 10 Northern tribes, Ephraim or the Nation of Israel? They became a separated nation and split from the House of Yahudah. Remember, the tribe of Yahudah became the nation of Yahudah. Yet ALL 12 tribes consist of the nation of Israel....
All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews!
The 10 Northern tribes were scattered into the nations of the world and became Gentiles. They wanted to be like the Gentiles so YHVH gave them what they wanted. They act like Gentiles, they dress like Gentiles, they worship like Gentiles, they eat unclean food like Gentiles. In fact, you get the picture, they became as if they were Gentiles, but they still are Israelites.
It can be a pretty scary thing when YHVH gives us want we want if we persist in our stubborn, stiff necked, rebellious ways. Yet, through it all, He loves us, calling us back to His ways.
Ephesians 2:12-13 states: "That at that time you were without Moshiach {Messiah}, being excluded, aliens from the Commonwealth of Yisrael, as strangers from the covenants of promise, having o hope and without Eloah in the world... But now in Moshiach Yshua you who sometimes were far off are made near by the blood of Moshiach." [Messiah[
{RTNS} states:
Ezekiel 37:24 states that both houses will be reunited under the power and authority of the one King and shepherd. Note that one house does not appoint Torah alone, while the other appoints Messiah. Both houses must appoint the same Head, the same Torah, for the sake of reunification and unity. So the Messiah, the King and Great Shepherd, is the only means by which both houses can be eternally secure in the final re-gathering. Any attempt to reunite the two exiled houses through political, immigration, military, or culturally mandated programs by man is doomed to failure. man does not cause the restoration and neither can he stop it. All who do so outside of YHWH's Messiah alone are fools in a fishbowl of vanity. Individuals from both houses appoint the King/Shepherd, or the Greater Dawid/Messiah, and then become one in His hand as the Day of Jezreel is brought to pass."
Ezekiel 37:16-28 states that in that day, the 10 Northern tribes and the House of Yahudah will become one in YHVH 's hand and they will no longer be two nations, but one nation with Messiah Yshua reigning over them. Ezekiel does not say that just Yahudah will be regathered.
Yahudah AND Ephraim
shall become one in YHVH 's hand and
they BOTH shall become one,
sinless nation under Messiah Yshua.
Is Israel sinless yet? No.
Have they appointed their King yet? No.
They are still living in the system of the world with the world leaders being their king.
The day that they become united together in belief in their Messiah is when we will see Yshua return to earth.
When I first learned about the two Houses of Israel at House of Joseph {HOJ} Ministries, I was so excited, yet I had a difficult time thinking of myself as an Israelite.
One day at House Of Joseph Ministries, Diane Wilder brought in a plastic "ear." with a note attached which said, "Hear, O Israel. Thou art an Israelite!" I laughed. I still have that ear. In fact, I bought another one like it and wear it to HOJ every so often. Well, maybe only once in the 14 years that I have attended.
So Christian believer in our Messiah and Savior, do you still believe that you are a Gentile? You walk like, talk like, act like, think like, and dress like a Gentile...
But now, your Creator YHVH
is calling and whistling
for you to come back to His ways
and to throw off the robes
of the Gentiles...
Will you respond to His call?
Do you hear Him whistling for you?
Are you ready?
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance