please excuse the set up. I usually put the Scripture references in red, but the site is not letting me do that.
We all grew up celebrating Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc. But, are they the holidays or Feast days that our Creator commanded us to keep?
The hellidays or holidays the world keeps are from the father of all lies... Christmas, Easter, Valentine's day, etc. John 8:44.
The Feast days that our Creator YHVH gave to us to observe are located in Leviticus 23.
Verses 1-2 state that the Feasts in Leviticus 23 are YHVH's set-apart or holy appointed times to meet with Him. He says "These are MY feasts."
Verses 4-5 is the Passover.
Verses 6-8 are the Unleavened Bread.
Verses 9-22 are the First Fruits.
Verses 23-25 are the Feast of Trumpets.
Verses 26-32 are Yom Kippur.
Verses 33-43 are the Feast of Tabernacles [booths, Sukkot].
Stop and think about it.... Who would not want us to keep our Creator's feasts? Could it be slick willy, and by slick willy, I mean the original slick willy, not Bill Clinton. :O)
Slick willy has been behind the scenes working in mankind's minds causing them to do his bidding. He has been very successful at getting us not to obey our Creator's Commandments and Feast days because they all point to our Creator. He got Eve and then Adam to disobey Him and has been doing it every since.
He is very good at what he does which is twisting the Scriptures, deleting them and then adding to or replacing the Commandments YHVH tells us to keep.
Does He tell us to keep them just because, as our parents would say, "Because I said so!" or is it because YHVH knows that we will get to know Him better, experience rest where we don't work and that it points out His plan of Salvation?
Show me just one verse that says we are to celebrate Christmas as our Savior's birth, Easter as the day He rose from the dead, Valentine's day; or all the other holiday's the world celebrates, and I will start celebrating them again. But you will not find any verses to celebrate any of these holidays.
So are you ready to keep the appointed times and Feasts that our Creator and Father gave to us to keep or will you continue keeping the worldly hellidays that the devil brought about? The choice is yours.
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance