Another Lie we have been taught from the pulpits is that the Covenants in the OLD Testament are no longer in effect today. I will not quote the Scripture references as this article is long, but I will include excerpts from Lion & Lamb Ministries "Yahvoh He is coming" magazine by Monte Judah, noted as "Yahvoh notes."
ADAM'S COVENANT - The Ground of the Earth
Gen 3:15-21, 23
Are men and women still reproducing? Yes. Are the animals still reproducing? Yes. The trees, plants, fish, etc.? Yes. Are women still bearing babies in pain and travail? Yes. Are they still in subjection to their husbands? Some. :( Are men still working to provide for themselves and families? Yes. So, the Adamic Covenant is still in effect even today.
Gen 6:18, 9:9-17
I have wondered that with all the flooding and tsunamis that we are having all over the world that if YHVH may have forgotten this promise. But when you read the above verses, it states that He would not destroy ALL flesh or the earth anymore. Just as the earthquakes are happening in different places in the world, so are the floodings and tsunamis happening all over parts of the world. Can you still see a rainbow in the sky?
Simply said, then yes, the Noah's Covenant is still in effect today.
ABRAHAM'S COVENANT - Seed multiplied
Gen 12:1-3, 17:2, 17:4-8, 17:9-13, Psalm105:8-10, Deut 7:9, Isaiah 24:5, Galatians 3:14-19
YHVH made a Covenant with Abraham that his descendants would be as the stars of heaven that cannot be counted. This Covenant that YHVH made with Abraham would be with his son Isaac, not through his son Ishmael. Isaac had Jacob & Esau. The Covenant was made through Jacob, not Esau. Jacob had the 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of Israel.
YHVH changed Jacob's name to Israel. YHVH said that His Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would be to a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His Commandments.
Has Abraham's descendants become as the stars of heaven? Yes, but that will be another article.
Has Abraham's descendants occupied the land of Israel as their inheritance? Yes, they did, but they were expelled into all the nations of the world.
Will the 12 tribes return to the land of Israel? Yes, A small remnant of Judah has already returned in unbelief. But, YHVH will whistle for His people and bring them back to His land and the land of the 12 tribes inheritance. They will be there forever, never to be uprooted again.
When Abraham's descendants from the 10 tribes of Israel come to realize that they are part of Israel, then all the nations will be blessed in a greater measure....
MOSAIC COVENANT - The Torah or Law
Christianity teaches that the Law of Moses has been done away with. Is that true?
Just because Abraham, Isaac and Jacob died, the Covenant did not go away. If you will recall, it was also made with their future generations. God had promised that the descendants of Abraham would come up out of Egypt and live in the land promised to Abraham... God did not quit the Covenant, even though Israel did not keep it.
In the time of the Judges, Israel was reminded about the Everlasting Covenant and God emphatically said that HE WOULD NEVER BREAK THE COVENANT. JUDGES 2:1-2, JEREMIAH 31:35-37...
The Covenant made with Moses did not replace the Covenants made with Adam, Noah or Abraham. It was added to them... Regardless of what any churchman says, God's word still stands. EZEKIEL 16:60. God refers to each of these Covenants... individually and collectively as an "Everlasting Covenant."
1 Sam 16:13, 2 Sam 5:3, 2 Chr 13:5, Psalm 132:12, 2 Sam 23:5,
1 Chr 21:26, 1 Chr 22:1
YHVH made a Covenant with King David that if he and his sons would obey YHVH's Commandments, then there would always be a king to sit on the throne of Judah.
As we all know, Solomon, David's son, married pagan wives and worshiped them. As a result, YHVH told Solomon that ten tribes would be taken from him, but that it would not happen in his lifetime. It happened during his son's reign. But because of YHVH love and promise to King David, YHVH is keeping His promise to King David, even though there is not anyone sitting on the throne of Israel as of yet. YHVH sent forth His Son Yshua Who will reign upon the throne of Israel and will reign forever and forever! HalleluYAH!
The Tabernacle of David will be rebuilt. AMOS 9:11. [I will do an article on the Tabernacle of David when I get the chance.]
YAHVOH notes: This was really a Messianic prophecy of how the Son of David [the Messiah] would build the Temple in our hearts. Yeshua talked about this frequently. All of the Scriptures about Jerusalem are expressions of the Davidic Covenant. The city of Jerusalem and the Temple's location symbolize that Covenant.
This is the Covenant that begins to manifest how the Messiah is to be King forever and rule from Jerusalem - the city of the Great King. 1 CHR 17:1-15, ISA 55:3, 2 CHR 17:12
God promised to build the House of David. The House of David is the Messianic line leading to the Messiah's kingship over us all. This is the reason why the prophet Isaiah is speaking of the Messiah's everlasting Covenant made reference to the Davidic Covenant. ISA 55:3...
The Covenant made with David did not replace the covenants made with Adam, Noah, Abraham or Moses. It was added to them. Line upon line. Precept upon precept.
I think you get the picture by now that the Covenants that YHVH makes with His people never goes away.
Jer 31:31-33
YHVH said that He would make a Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. What Covenant would that be?
We'll have to wait until I do an article on the Renewed Covenant.