We have been taught the message of Salvation, but yet is that all there is? Or is there more to the message of Salvation? Has the devil blinded us once again to his lies again?
Let's look at a few verses to see what else Yshua taught about, among other things.
Matthew 15:24 states "He answered them and said, 'I was not sent but to the lost sheep of the House of Yisrael, who went astray and whored.' "
The House of Judah was not lost, only the House of Yisrael became lost. The House of Yahudah has retained their identity even to this day.
John 7:35 states "Then said the Yahudim among themselves, "Where will He go that we shall not find Him? Will He go to the dispersed among the Greeks, and the pagan nations and teach them?"
RSTNSB Note states "The word here is Greeks, and taken along with the term "dispersed," it refers to Yisrael's non-Jewish exiles among the Greek nations. That would include Corinth, Athens, and all the other Greek-dominated countries and cities at that time, such as Antioch. From many sources such as First Maccabees 12:19-23, we know that the Jews knew that the Greeks and Spartans were physical brothers from the same race. This passage is one of the clearest references to Efrayim-Yisrael in the nations at the time of Yahushua, and not back in the land. The mocking tone of this question also displays the ongoing animosity between Yisrael's two houses.
John 10:16 states "And OTHER sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one fold and one Shepherd."
Who is Yshua talking about here? Who are the OTHER sheep that are not of THIS fold? Who is THIS fold?
The other fold Yshua is talking about is the House of Yisrael or the 10 Northern tribes that had separated themselves from the House of Yahudah. They are sometimes called Ephraim or Efrayim.
RSDTNSB Note states "A plain reference to the other fold, or flock of Yisrael, Efrayim-Yisrael, that Yahushua says He must bring in by command of the Father. Note that even before He died and arose, He had two existing Yisraelite flocks, not one. Through His mission as the Good Shepherd, both folds will become one."
Who is THIS fold? They are the House of Yahudah or the Jewish people who have trusted Him as their Messiah.
Ezekiel 37 talks about the dry bones coming together and becoming one in YHVH's hand. Ezekiel is told that they are the bones of the whole House of Yisrael... the 10 Northern tribes and the House of Yahudah.
This has not happened yet. The House of Yisrael does not know for the most part who they are. They do not realize that if they are in Messiah/Christ, then they are Israel. Ephesians 2:12. They were warned time and again to return to YHVH's Covenant, but they refused to do so.
So YHVH scattered them throughout the nations and they became AS IF they are Gentiles. But they really are descended from one of the 12 tribes of Israel or Gentiles who became part of Yisrael.
The majority of the House of Yahudah does not want anything to do with the idea of the House of Yisrael. They believe they are the whole House of Yisrael and the majority of Christians believe that.
Until the House of Israel returns to YHVH's Covenant, Commandments, Feast day and dietary laws, Yahudah will never be provoked by what we have... much less consider a Messiah Who breaks the Torah [sic] and did away with it so we do not have to keep it. That is another subject.
Then there is John 11:49-52 that states "And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the High Priest that same year said to them, 'You know nothing at all, nor do you consider that it is better for us that one Man should die for the people than for the entire nation to perish.' And this he spoke not by himself; but being High Priest that year, he prophesied that Yshua should die for that nation; and not for that nation only, but that also He should gather together into one the House of Eloah that were scattered abroad."
The RSTNSB Notes states "The children of Yisrael, or Eloah that were already "scattered abroad" can only be referring to non-Jewish, or Efrayim-Yisrael, from the ten northern tribes. No other group of people possibly fits this description. Note that they were not pagans, but already covenant people in exile. Note also that they are called "children of Eloah," an end-time term referring to the 10 tribes of the north according to Hosea 1:10. Since Judah was mostly in the land of Yisrael at the time of this prophecy, it certainly points to Efrayim-Yisrael. Caiaphas pronounces this, and the Spirit elaborates by saying that it is far better for Yahushua to die than for both houses to perish. Both those in the land, and those "scattered abroad," return by His death according to Caiaphas and John, so that both folds can become one again."
Acts 1:3 states "To whom also He showed Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, being seen by them for forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of YHVH."
We see here that Yshua spoke of things pertaining to the Kingdom of YHVH.
We do not see anywhere where He said that He came to establish a New Church or Religion.
If you can find one verse that say He did, I will give you $1,000. But you won't find it.
So, as you see Yshua taught about:
1] the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
2] The sheep of Yahudah.
3] The House of Israel & the House of Yahudah becoming one
with one King.
4] Yshua having to die for both Houses. Another article.
5] The Kingdom of YHVH.
I do not see anywhere in the above verses, or anywhere in the Bible for that matter that He started a new religion or created the Church. In fact, let's go to Acts 2:47c "And YHVH ADDED TO the congregation of Yisrael daily all those being saved."
Hmmm. Acts 2:47c states that there were those being ADDED TO. So it means that the congregation of Yisrael was already in existence.
When did the congregation of Yisrael start. Let's go to Acts 7:38 which states "This is He that was in the congregation of Yisrael in the wilderness with the King YHVH."
Stephen said that the people was ADDED TO the congregation
of Yisrael. That proves right here, that a new religion or Church started in Acts 2. YHVH was ADDING TO the congregation that started in the wilderness where the lost sheep of the House of Yisrael and the House of Judah came from.
I have given enough verses that I hope will cause you to do more detailed study and research of what Yshua taught.
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance