July, 2012


Another lie that we have been told is that we will go to heaven before the Tribulation Period. But is that what the Scriptures say?


 We can't build a doctrine on just one verse. We need to say what the overall Scriptures say on a subject. So let's look at verses that show we will not be raptured to heaven in the Pre-Tribulation rapture.


 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 does not state the timing of our gathering unto Yshua. It just states that it will happen.


 Matthew 24

Yshua repeatedly warned us not to let anyone deceive us. If He was coming to take us to heaven before the Tribulation Period, He would have said that was what He was going to do.


 But He didn't say that. Instead, He said all the things that would happen first.


 Verses 29-31 He said "THEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Tribulation of those days, He would send His angels to gather His elect from the four corners of the earth.


 1 Corinthians 15:52

At the LAST shofar/trumpet we shall ALL be changedNot before the FIRST shofar is sounded. The LAST shofar sounds towards the end of the Tribulation.


 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3

Now we beseech you brethren, by the coming of our Master Yshua, the Messiah, and by our gathering together to Him, that you be not soon shaken in mind, or troubled, neither by any spirit, nor by man's word, nor by letter as from us, as that day of Messiah is at hand. Let NO MAN DECEIVE YOU by any means, for that day shall not come, except:

1} there come a falling away first

2} and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;


 Paul clearly tells us that our gathering unto our Master Yshua will not happen until after the man of sin is revealed.


 Revelation 1:7 states that EVERY eye shall see Him, not just some in a secret rapture.


 Who does things in secret, but the enemy of our soul?


 Can you imagine going through the Tribulation, though? YHVH said that He would pour out His Ruach {Spirit} upon all flesh. Remember, Acts 1:8?


 Then YHVH provided food for Elijah?


 I believe that when we go through the Tribulation Period, that they may come looking for us, but they will not be able to find us just as with the prophet Elijah, if YHVH wills.


 And that He will take us to other places to avoid being captured.


 He will provide for us in the wilderness.


 The verse that YHVH brought to my mind was Acts 3:21 which states: Whom the heavens must receive {Yshua} until the restoration of all things.


 There are things that need to start being restored before Yshua can leave heaven. If He left before everything is being fulfilled or restored, He would be breaking His Word.


 He is faithful and true to His Word and cannot break it.


 I know I did not want to go through the Tribulation Period and still do not. The thought of it frightened me. I struggled with depression and I thought "How can I make it through and be saved when I have such a hard time now?"


 I can remember when I worked at a spa as a Pool Receptionist, one of the women members told me that we were going through the Tribulation Period.


 I shut my spiritual ears off and said, "OH NO! Revelation 3:10 says we are getting raptured out!" I conveniently said I had work to do.


 Then when Chuck Wilder of House of Joseph Ministries started teaching we were going through the Tribulation Period, I thought, "OH NO!"


 As I studied the Scriptures, I realized that WE ARE going through and  I said, "OH NO! WE ARE going through!"


 When I told another woman member we were going through, she said the exact same thing I did, ""OH NO! Revelation 3:10 says we are getting raptured out!"


I followed her up to the exercise floor, not knowing what I was going to say, but felt that I needed to say something.


 I told her "Carol, I pray that you are right, that there is a Pre-Tribulation rapture, but if I'm right, I'll grab ahold of your elbow and give you the strength to go through it."


 As I walked away, I thought, "WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!" Here I am quaking and knocking at the knees and I tell her that I would grab her elbow and give her the strength to go through it???


 I realized that it was the Ruach of the Kadosh One speaking through me to let me know that not only would I make it through the Tribulation Period, but that when it came push to shove, that I would help other believers when they realize that we are going through and not up!




A good site to read for the explanation of Revelation 3:10 is:






It explains the meaning of the Greek Word "ek", which is "out of," or "out from the midst thereof."




So hold on,




we are going through,




not up!




(Again I say, I certainly want to be "Left Behind.")


[See the link for "The Tares."]

Mishle/Proverbs 10:30 "The Righteous will never be removed, but the wicked will not inherit the earth!"

There will be no "Pre-Tribulation Rapture." We will endure till the end! The Elect of Yah will remain. "And those days shall be shortened for the Elect's sake." (Matt 24: 15-22)




There will be a resurrection.


but for believers,


it will be at the LAST shofar/trumpet,




the FIRST shofar is sounded!






The doctrine of the Flying Church is error. The "Pre-Trib Rapture" was never taught until the 1800's when a feverish child stood up in church and shared her dream. Margaret McDonald was a teen-age girl in Port Glascoe Scotland. Scoffield took the ball and ran with it in his commentaries in a "Bible" that bears his name. The "Pre-Trib Rapture is the most dangerous doctrine ever taught. When it fails to happen, millions will be shaking their fist at Yah, and lose faith altogether. I care not what your Pastor said. Shall we look at my My Rabbi said? From the lips of the Messiah of Israel: Matt 13:41-43 "The Son of Adam shall send forth His Messengers, and they shall gather out of His Reign all the stumbling-blocks and those doing Lawlessness/Torahless-ness, and shall throw them into the furnace of fire - there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. THEN THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL SHINE FORTH AS THE SUN IN THE REIGN OF THEIR FATHER! He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" (I want to be left behind! I really do!) Luke 17:34 I tell you, on that night two people will be sleeping in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left. 35 There will be two women grinding grain together; one will be taken, and the other will be left." 36 Two will be in the field, the one taken, the other will be left. 37 They answering, said to Him, "Where, Master, Where do they go?" He answered, "Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather." (Again I say, I certainly want to be "Left Behind.") Mishle/Proverbs 10:30 "The Righteous will never be removed, but the wicked will not inherit the earth!" There will be no "Pre-Tribulation Rapture." We will endure till the end! The Elect of Yah will remain. "And those days shall be shortened for the Elect's sake." (Matt 24: 15-22)



"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,  

be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"

1 Timothy 1:17 



Shalom and abundant blessings,

Anna Constance