I want to die!
Is dying such a bad thing?
Let's see if it is!
I apologize ahead of time as the site will not let me change the type fonts, etc.
In the Scriptures there are all kinds of dying. Some die from natural death, some have health problems, then some take their lives, or some may be murdered.
But there is a different type of death that most people are not willing to go through.
It is the death of dying to one's self.
1 Cor 15:31 = "I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Messiah Yshua our Master, I die daily."
Phil 1:21 = "For me to live is Messiah and to die is gain."
Does Sha'ul actually die physically every day? Of course not. It is talking about dying to our flesh, or our desires. To die is gain, because we will be taking on our Creator's eternal nature by dying to our desires.
So yes, I want to die to my natural fleshly desires. They bring nothing but trouble. I want to be changed from glory to glory into my Creator's image.
How about you?