July 2,012
It seems that another lie we have been taught is that YHVH changed His mind. Well, maybe not in exactly those words, but when we say that He did away with the Old Testament or Old Covenant?
When we say that we do not need to keep the Commandments in the Old Testament or Law because they were nailed to the cross, is that not what we are in reality saying is that He changed His mind and do not have to keep them any longer because they are in the OLD Testament?
We need to check the Scriptures to see if He really did do away with the Torah or the Old Covenant when Yshua was crucified.
Check the Scriptures out, especially the New Covenant. You will not find one verse that states that He did away with the Old Covenant or the Torah.
So if He did not do away with the Commandments in the Old Covenant, then why are we not keeping them?
Again, slew foot got his foot in the door and did away with it. How?
He uses people to accomplish his purposes and plans, just as YHVH uses people to accomplish His purposes and plans.
Well, then again. He really did not do away with it, as it is established forever in the heavens. He just got people to believing that YHVH did away with it.
What a liar! He is still twisting our Creator's Words just as he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden!! He does not have to change his strategy because people believe his lies all the time. After all, he is the father of all lies.
John 8:44.
I will leave you with one verse:
Malachi 3:6
for I am YHVH. I change not...
So, if He is the Word and He changes not, then would mean that His Word does not change.... from cover to cover, ALL 66 books. Otherwise, just throw out the Old Testament!
I can see Him saying now:
Don't you dare
throw out the
Old Testament!
So if He does not change,
then His ways and Commandments or Covenants
do not change.
if He changed His mind,
how can we count on
His Word?
I believe that says it all, don't you? J
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance