March 2,013 


Another Lie we have been taught is that the Apostasy is a future event. Is that true?


When we consider the assembly of believers in the First Century, we can recall that they were "Jewish" believers, until Cornelius and his household was saved in Acts 10. Then, "Gentiles" started believing in the Elohim and Messiah of Israel.


As more and more "Gentiles" came into the assembly of believers, by the time the 325 A.D. rolled around, Emperor Constantine, in order to keep his kingdom together, brought in pagan feasts of "Christmas" and "Easter" to keep the pagans happy and then applied themes to our Savior to keep the Christians happy.


By the way, "Christian" was not a term for the believers. It came in later as a derogatory slang term to describe the believers. They were called "Followers of The Way," or "Nazarenes."


So, I believe that the Apostasy already happened even since the time of the Apostles. Why do I believe that?


As I mentioned in the Introduction, the Apostle Sha'ul [Paul] said that he knew after his departing, grievous wolves would come in not sparing the flock, speaking perverse things to draw disciples after themselves, and that is what has happened. Acts 20:29-31


The assembly of Jewish believers all kept the Torah. The "Gentiles" in Acts 15 were told not to keep things from the pagan worship. Verse 21 states that they would learn about Moses in the synagogue every Shabbat.


Does it say that they would learn about the "Church?" No, since they had not grown up keeping the Torah, they would grow in and learn about Moses as they attended the synagogue. It does not say anything about learning about the "Church!"


That is why I believe that the Apostasy has already happened. The assembly of believers fell away from their Hebrew roots and heritage.


But it has and will continue to get worse until it is in it's fulness when the AntiMessiah {Christ} comes on the scene and our dear Savior and Redeemer comes to deliver us.... Praise YAH!


"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,  

be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"

1 Timothy 1:17 



Shalom and abundant blessings,

Anna Constance