I have heard I do not know how many times that we cannot keep ALL the Old Testament Laws ... While that is true partially, we all know a half truth is still a lie. So they don't try to keep any of them...
Well, I take that back... they do love the Commandments about the blessings, but not the curses, and they love the verses about tithing because then YHVH will make the heavens pour out blessings upon them if they do tithe. They also do take care of the poor. BUT,
Stop and think about it. While that statement is true, Yshua died on the tree because we would NEVER be able to keep all the Laws or Commandments in the Torah! Since He is the Liviing Torah, He kept ALL of the Laws or Commandments of His Father.... :o) and by believing in Him, He helps us to keep the ones that apply to us, that is if we are willing. :o)
If you read through them, and I know when I read them, but never put it together, that we do not have to keep all the Laws of the Torah! Why?
1} Some were just for men
2} Some were just for women
3} Some were just for the Priests
4} Some were for while they were in the land of Israel
5} Some were for while they were not in the land of Israel
I think you get the picture. :o) So which Commandments do we have to keep? Only the ones that would apply to us...
Do you realize that there are over 1,050 Commandments in the New Testament and ONLY 613 Commandments in the Old Testament that we do not have to keep all of them? Hmmm... never thought of that before.
Do you realize that Yshua's telling about the Commandments are stricter than what His Abba, YHVH said in the Old Testament?
He would say "It has been said ... But I say to you". There are several places that He has said that and I do not have my Bible with me as I am at the library, so I will complete the verses the next time I come unless my computer gets repaired first.
So until later,
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance