Another big Lie that we have been taught is that our Creator's Name was not known until Moses asked Him at Mount Sinai. Let's look at Scriptures and see if that is true.

Genesis 44:28

...Then men began to call upon the Name of YHVH.

Genesis 8:20-21

Then Noah built an altar to YHVH... YHVH smelled the pleasing aroma.

Genesis 21:33

Abraham...called upon the Name of YHVH, the Eternal Elohim.

Genesis 22:9

YHVH Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.

Ruth 1:9, 2:4, 12, 20, 3:10, 4:11d, 14

YHVH grant you that you may find rest..., and see, Boaz came from Bethlehem and said to the reapers, YHVH be with you. And they answered him, YHVH bless you... YHVH repay your work and may a full reward be given to you by YHVH Elohim of Yisrael under Whose wings you have come to trust..., And he said, Blessed are you of YHVH,...  make the woman that has come into your house like Rachel and like Leah,... And the women said to Naomi Blessed be YHVH.

These are just a few verses throughout the book of Genesis showing that our forefathers, Noah, Abraham, Isaac & Jacob all called upon the name of YHVH and even during the time of Ruth and Boaz...

Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Study Bible Note {RSTNSB} Note states: Here is a perfect example of YHWH's Name being used in casual greeting. This shows that the usage of YHWH's Name is not limited to liturgy, or congregational prayer. This also shows that using YHWH's Name in casual greeting and conversation was never considered to be using His Name in vain... All greetings were done in YHWH's true Name... As a builder of Yisrael, Ruth was told to proclaim YHWH's Name in Bethlehem."

I can't believe that our Creator Who created Adam and Eve would not have told them what His Name was. Did He just go by "LORD" or "LORD God?" Those are just titles. Maybe they just said, "Hey You! God are You there?" No, just kidding, only trying to get a point across. I believe that they called Him by His True and correct Name and not by a title.

As noted, people started calling upon the name of the LORD, which in Hebrew would have been "YHVH" in Genesis 4:26. When people called on His Name, they would have said His Name YHVH and not God, LORD or HaShem meaning "The Name."

If people used His Name back then, why are we not using it today? There are a few different reasons why people do not use His Name.

1. Because we were taught that "God" and "LORD" is what our Creator was called and never gave it much thought, if at all of what "the Name of the LORD" actually was.

2. Because of sin and being rebellious wanting to do it our own way.

3. The Jewish people were the only tribe who were keeping YHVH's Covenant, but they put a fence around His Name so that it would not be treated with disrespect.

4. The 10 Northern tribes went after other pagan nations and their customs, so YHVH scattered them into the nations of the world. They because "as if" they were Gentiles, looked like, thought like and acted like Gentiles. So they forgot what His Name was.

5. Eventually, both the House of Judah and the 10 Northern tribes did not use the Name of YHVH. It is not a comfortable thing to do when you say His Name to other people and they all think that you are a kook or that you are in a cult.

Believe it or not, if you say that you believe in the God of the Bible, then the God that you believe in is YHVH. It is not "God" or "LORD," or even "HaShem."

I have not used His Name of YHVH at times, because I didn't want people to think I am a kook or strange. But now, I do not care. Joyce Meyer said that we need to get to the point where we want to do His will more than we want to be popular with people. It is not easy, but the longer I live, the more I realize that doing my Creator's will is more important than what other people think about me. One good reason to say His Name is in the book of Malachi.

Malachi 3:16

Then those who feared YHVH talked with each other and YHVH listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who fear YHVH and honored His Name.

I would say that having YHVH listen to us when we say His Name is a very good reason to say His Name, don't you think? And then the added benefit is that a scroll or book of remembrance will be written in His presence of those who fear Him and honor His Name.

In Acts 3:21, it states that Yshua must stay in heaven until the restoration of all things. Could it be that His True and Eternal Name is one of the things that will be restored to us? I believe that it is.

If you refuse to use His Name, will you be honoring His Name? No.

How about you? Will you use His Eternal Name?

Or will you be afraid to use it so that you will not be a kook?


May YHVH bless you and keep you.

May He make His face shine upon you

and be gracious to you.

May YHVH turn His face toward you

and give you shalom {peace.}

Numbers 6:24-26


"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,  

be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"

1 Timothy 1:17 



Shalom and abundant blessings,

Anna Constance