December 2,012
There is so much talk, videos on U-tube, etc., that the world will end in 2,012, but is it the end of the world, or is there a more, sinister plan in the works that we are not aware of, or yet, through it all, is there a more wonderful, glorious plan?
When Harold Camping said in 2,011 that May 21st was going to be the end of the world, I know some women who were terrified that the world would end on that day. But we all know that May 21st came and went. Then he said that October would be the judgment day. Well, that day also came and went. Another false prophet arises...
YHVH's Prophets were & are to be 100% correct or they were considered a false prophet and were to be stoned to death.
So now, here we are in the last month of 2,012 and I know that there are people who are worried that 2,012 will be the end of the world. But, I would like to share a Scripture verse that will explain why I believe that 2,012 is not the end of the world. Let's look at:
Acts 3:20-21
And He shall send Yshua, the Messiah, Who before was proclaimed to you; Whom the heavens must receive until the times of the restoration of all things, which YHVH has spoken by the mouth of all His kadosh {holy, set-apart} prophets since the world began.
From the above verse, it states that Yshua must stay in heaven until the Restoration of all things. He cannot leave heaven before they are restored. There are some things that can only be restored or fulfilled during the Time of Jacob's Trouble or better known as the Great Tribulation.
What are some of the things that must be restored? Remember, if something is to be restored, then as we know, it was in existence before.
1. Our Creator's eternal Name
2. Our Savior's Name
3. The Tabernacle of David {all 12 tribes of Israel regathered together}
4. The Torah
5. The Temple
6. The land of Israel restored to the 12 tribes of Israel
These are just some of the things that need to be restored before our Savior can return to the earth! The only way that Yshua can come back in 2,012 is for all the prophecies in the Bible to come to pass during 2,012 and all things will be restored. Of course, they could all come to pass & be restored in 2,012, but that would be something to behold and make our heads spin. I'm not saying that it can't happen, but it would be "Suddenly!"
Some other things that you can look for that must take place are:
1. The "Great" Apostasy or falling away.
2. An image of the antiChrist will be set up in the temple in Jerusalem and all people will be commanded to worship it. Will you?
4. A false one world religion will be established by the Great Harlot
5. Everyone will be required to take the mark of the beast and worship him
6. All nations will come against the nation of Israel ~ it's already happening.
7. The heavens will shake
8. The sun will not shine
9. The moon will turn to a blood red
10. They will divide up the land of Israel and Jerusalem, which they are trying to do now.
Until you see those things come to pass, know that 2,012 is not the end. The time to get alarmed is when you see the heavens shaking. These are only a few of the signs, not all.
I believe the Apostasy has already happened. It started back in the first century when the Apostles were alive, but it will reach it's fullness until the time of the end. 2 Peter 2:1-2
As we know there is a spirit of antiChrist or antiMessiah that has been with us all along. There have been many antiMessiahs, but there will come a time that one will arise who will speak blasphemous things against our Creator and His anointed Son Yshua and demand the worship of everyone.
At that time, you can be sure that He is coming back to defeat the devil, his demons and those who fight against Him at the battle of Armageddon.
So do not be alarmed.
Keep your faith and trust in your Savior and Creator Who has promised to be with you until the time of the end and take you through.
I believe that "it is possible" for the antiChrist to arise on or around 12/21/12. The Illuminati who are a satanic organization bringing about the New World Order or One World Government under Lucifer, are making a big thing of 2,012 and are just waiting for the right moment for their Christ to arise and take over by supposedly solving all the problems in the world. Do not believe it.
Whatever the government or the Media tells you, go the opposite direction of what they tell you. They will tell you lies over and over until you are convinced it is the truth. What our governmental leaders have planned for us is NOT a good thing... Remember, what governments in the past have done?
Do I believe that we are getting close to Yshua's return? Yes, I do. Although we will not know the day or hour of His return, we can know the season of His return. He will come back as a thief in the night only to those who are not looking for Him to return.
Our Savior warned us repeatedly not to be deceived, so when you see these things, then you can know that His return is near and not until then. He wants His people to be alert and know the signs of His return, so that we will not lose heart!
That is why the whole creation groans and is waiting to be released from the burden of sin. Romans 8:21
I am looking forward to that day because it is at that time that those who know Him and have been born of His Ruach HaKodesh {Holy Spirit} will see Him as He is, and will have our resurrected bodies where there will be no more sorrow, tears or pain; where righteousness will dwell.
I am not looking forward to going through the Great Tribulation, and wish there was a pre-Tribulation Rapture, but I am looking forward to the day when I see my Savior's wonderful face!
we must
We must through many trials and tribulations
enter the Kingdom of YHVH.
Acts 14:22
Worried about the end?
No need to worry!
At least, not yet!
I hope that you are looking for His return also. Keep looking up!
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance
December 12, 2,015
As we can see, 2,015 is almost over and the end of the world has not happened yet!
But, we believe we are getting closer as each day passes, of course....
When John Kerry went to the Middle East in 2,012, Israel and America has had a lot of snow and freezing weather.
Watch out America, when you go against Israel!