The majority of us have been taught that born again Christians will be raptured to heaven before the Tribulation Period or the Time of Jacob's Trouble in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. But is that true? Let's look at some Scripture verses and see what they say. Not what I say, but what the Scriptures say.
Matthew 24:1-31
In verse 2, Yshua had told the disciples that not one stone would be left upon the Temple that would not be thrown down.
In verse 3, the disciples ask Yshua "When shall these things be and what shall be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of this age?"
Notice verse 4, Yshua warned them "Take heed that NO MAN DECEIVE YOU!" If it were not possible for followers of Yshua to be deceived, He would not have warned them not to be deceived.
Verses 29-31 states "IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Tribulation of those days,... then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in the heavens, ... And He shall send His heavenly angels with a great sound of a shofar [trumpet] and they shall gather HIS elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other."
We notice from here that He did not say that He would gather His elect before the Tribulation Period to heaven. Instead, He said "IMMEDIATELY AFTER" the Tribulation of those days, He would send His heavenly angels to gather His elect. He warned us about not being deceived by any man.
f He was going to take His elect to heaven before the Tribulation Period that is what He would have said. He would have said that He would take His people to heaven with Him before anything bad happened. But He didn't.
Notice the parables in Matthew 25:
verses 1-13 is about the 10 virgins. Notice ALL 10 virgins fell asleep. They are ALL saved. Virgins are believers in the Scriptures. Harlots are unbelievers in Scriptures. So yes, the 5 foolish virgins are also believers and the 5 wise also fell asleep along with the foolish virgins.
Why did they fall asleep? Because the Bridegroom took longer than they expected and they got tired of waiting. As we know the 5 wise virgins had enough oil in their lamps to go into the wedding chamber when the Bridegroom finally came. The 5 foolish had to go into town to get more oil, but while they went the Bridegroom came and it was too late to enter in.
This is a allegory or allusion to that in the end of days, Christians who believe in the Pre-Tribulation rapture, will get tired of waiting for His return and fall asleep.
There are two possible scenarios of why this would happen.
1. Cutting Edge Ministries believe that the Illuminati know that Christians are looking to go to heaven before anything bad happens. In the article cuttingedge.org/news/n2101.cfm, "Elite world leaders know that the desire for a Rapture out of this sin-cursed world is the most important desire in many Christian hearts. Therefore, knowing this, and possessing the technological ability to simulate such the rapture, the Illuminati just may pull it off--just to try to deceive and destroy the faith of limitless numbers of Christians..."
Very informative article that tells they will have holograms of people disappear in front of you to cause you to think that you got left behind just as in the movie series "Left Behind" with Kirk Cameron!
2. Another article I read states that with the advent of UFOs they have been pushing on us, they could actually cause Christians to disappear by UFOs to make the others think that they have been left behind. Then they will say they are our creators and not Eloah or YHVH.
We just will have to wait and Take Heed and watch just as Yshua warned us in 25:13 to see how this all will unfold.
Acts 3:21 states "Whom the heavens must receive until the times of the RESTORATION OF ALL things, which YHVH has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began."
RSTNSB Notes states "This does not mean that Yahushua will not return until all things are fully restored as some teach. Rather he will not return until He has begun an irreversible process in all things that need restoration, such as His Father's Name, Torah and the two houses of Yisrael. What He starts will be completed in the millennium.
Yshua MUST STAY IN HEAVEN until certain things happen. Until those things happen or are restored, He cannot return. But as the RSTNSB Notes state, not everything must be restored before He returns, as some things will be restored during the millennium period.
If He left heaven before the end of the Tribulation Period, He would be going against His Word in Matthew 24:29-31 & Acts 3:21.
1 Corinthians 15:52 states "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST shofar {trumpet}, for the shofar shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed."
When does it say we will be changed? Before the First shofar? NO! It says at the LAST shofar we shall be changed. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture has us being changed before the FIRST shofar is sounded and not at the LAST shofar.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 states "Now we beseech you brethren, by the coming of our Master Yahshua Messiah and by our gathering together unto Him, that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Messiah is at hand. Let NO MAN DECEIVE you. [hmmm.... where did we hear that before? :o) ] by any means: for THAT day shall not come, except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."
Paul speaks of a future deception that will cause many to fall away from their faith in Yshua.
When will Yshua return? AFTER:
1. the falling away
2. the son of perdition is revealed.
So we will be around to see the son of perdition be revealed; otherwise known as the "antiChrist" or the "man of sin". These are not my words. They are the Scriptures. One more verse, well two! :)
Revelation 1:7 states "Behold, He comes with clouds and EVERY eye SHALL see Him...."
It says when He returns EVERY one will see him, not just a select few in the Pre-Tribulation rapture. Do your research. The Pre-Tribulation Period rapture
doctrine did not start until the 1830s when a Scottish girl named Margaret McDonald had a vision that there were two separate comings of Christ. Then it spread like wildfire with Darby, etc. and last but not least, Schofield with all his Pre-Trib rapture notes in His Bible.
Search your Bible and other resources. Do not be deceived by this doctrine. I was at one time, because the thought of going through the Tribulation Period terrified me like I don't know what.
But then my Pastor Chuck Wilder started teaching that we were going THRU the Tribulation Period or Time of Jacob's Trouble.
I thought "OH NO!" But when I started studying the above Scriptures, I asked Abba if it were true that we were going through and He impressed upon my mind Acts 3:21. I thought "OH NO! We ARE going THROUGH and NOT UP!" YIKES! :(
Then one day I heard Abba speak to my spirit in a quiet voice "Fear not those who can kill your body. Fear Him Who can cast your soul and body into hell." It took awhile to get over the fear, but I finally have. I still do not like the idea of going through it, but the fear is gone. No one in their right mind wants to go through the Tribulation Period.
Why do we have to go through the Tribulation Period? Years ago, when I asked Abba for a verse to comfort me, I opened to Acts 14:22 "... we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of YHVH." I said, "That's not comforting!" But the first part of the verse states "Confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith..."
We need to go through the Tribulation Period or Time of Jacob's Trouble to purify us. That may be another article. So this verse confirmed to me that we were going through the tribulation in order to enter into the kingdom of YHVH.
I know that for those of you who believe in the Pre-Tribulation Period rapture will most likely deny it. But, I ask that you study the above verses. In all the parables, they allude to that Yshua will take longer to return than what most Christians believe and they will fall away from the faith in Yshua.
There are even the parables that the Master takes longer than expected, so the servants in charge started beating the other servants. All the parables point to that Yshua will take longer than most Christians believe and they will fall asleep or fall away.
Oooops. sooooo sorry. Just one more verse! :)
The verse I use to love to quote and so many Christians to prove we will be taken to heaven is Revelation 1:10 which states "Because you have kept the Word of My endurance, I also will also keep you from the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth."
The RSTNSB Note states :Divine protection during the Great Tribulation, and the "Day of YHWH" and certainly not a reference to the so-called "rapture."
The Greek word for "kept from" is the word "ek" which means to be kept in the midst of" or "to come out of the midst of." There is an article that explains it, but I don't know where I put it.
I pray that you will not and will study to see what the Scriptures really say. As I've said over and over, do not let your Pastor, Priest or Rabbi tell you that we will not experience the Tribulation Period or Time of Jacob's Trouble. Search the Scriptures as the Berean believers did in Acts 17:11 to make sure that what they were being told lined up with the Scriptures!
See the link for "Dispensationalism" to see a further study on our gathering to Yshua.
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance