July 2,012
Most of us believe that our Creator's Name is "God," because that is what everyone calls our Creator, but is that true?
That is what I had believed all of my life, until I started going to House of Joseph Ministries with Reverends' Charles {Chuck} and Diane Wilder where I started learning about the Hebrew Roots of our faith.
At first, I was so excited. Then I got angry. Who or what could I believe? But then, I realized that my Creator was taking out the false foundation of lies and man-made traditions and putting His firm foundation under me, the Truth of His Word.
God is just a title for our Creator. It is not a name. I had never realized that. God can stand for any god... Allah, Buddah, Krishna, etc.
So if God is not the Name for our Creator, what is it? Let's consider a few Scriptures:
Genesis 4:26
And to Sheth {Seth} also there was born a son; and he called his name Enosh {Enoch}; then men began to call upon the Name of YHVH.
Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Study Bible RSTNB Note:
A long time before Moses in Exodus 3:15.
Whether people did not know our Creator's Eternal Name until this time or that Adam and Eve knew it but as time went along they stopped using His Name, is up for debate. Yet, as we can see this was a long time before YHVH told Moses what His Eternal Name was.
Moses and the people of Israel had to have known their Creator's Name and YHVH was just telling Moshe what His Name was because that is the Name that the Israelites would know that He was their Elohim and not some other idol or God.
Besides, can you imagine Adam and Eve calling YHVH, "God?" It seems to me that our Creator would tell them what His Name was since it is an Eternal Name, don't you think?
Exodus 3:15
And Elohim said moreover to Moshe {Moses} This say unto the children of Yisrael, YHVH Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Avraham {Abraham}, the Elohim of Yitzchak, {Isaac} and the Elohim of Yaakov {Jacob} has sent me to you. This is My Name for ever, and this is My memorial unto all generations.
RSTNB Note: Yisrael obviously knew the Name already, which is why YHWH told Moses to make sure to use it as a point of validation for his role as their deliver...
Exodus 6:2-3
And Elohim spoke to Moshe and said to him, "I am YHVH. I appeared to Avraham to Yitzchak, and to Yaakov in and as El-Shaddai {God Almighty}, but by My Name YHVH.was I not known to them?"
RSTNB Note: Not an introduction of the Name, but a question showing that in fact it was an established Name among the children of Yisrael. The actual Hebrew is in the form of a rhetorical question. Anyone reading Genesis realizes that the patriarchs all knew, used and treasured YHWH's Name, and it was not introduced to Moses as a new revelation.
Did you notice that? It was a question but saying that His Name was already an established Name long before Moses.
Isaiah 42:8
I am YHVH, that is My Name.
Isaiah 43:10
I, even I am YHVH, and beside Me there is no Savior.
Isaiah 45:21-22
Declare and bring them near, let them take counsel together: who has declared this from ancient time? Who has told it from that time? Have not I, YHVH? And there is no Elohim else beside Me; a just El and a Savior; there is none besides Me... Look to Me, and be you saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am El, and there is none else.
Isaiah 50:10
Let him trust in the Name of YHVH and lean upon his Elohim.
These are just a couple of verses, but there are many more that tell what His Name is.
In the English translations, our Creator's Name was replaced by "THE LORD" over 6,000 times in the Old Testament.
In early Hebrew, there were not any vowels, only consonants. So, it would have been spelled YodHeyVavHey or YHVH.
Some people spell it as "Jehovah," but there is not a "J" in the Hebrew language, so Jehovah cannot be the True Name of our Creator. I asked Abba that if it was not Jehovah, then what it was. "YaHoVaH" came to my mind.
There are so many ways that His Name is spelled and pronounced. Some people say it is "Yahweh," others "Yahveh," then there is "Yahuweh," "YaHoVaH", "Yehovah" and other ways of spelling it. Then again, there is not a "W" in the Hebrew language, so that is why I spell it with a "V" or "vav".
Since there are so many ways to spell His Name with vowels, I will spell it with the abbreviation YHVH as it was spelled in early Hebrew, but when quoting I will spell it as "YHWH" per the author.
No wonder we are called "MESSYanics" instead of "Messianics!" We just can't seem to get it right! J
But our Savior will tell us how to spell it and how to pronounce it when He returns. Then again, maybe we just will know it. The main thing is to at least try to say His True, Eternal Name. Why?
Malachi 3:16 states: "Then they that feared YHVH spoke often one to another; and YHVH listened and heard it, and a Scroll of remembrance was written before Him for them that fear YHVH, and that thought upon His Name."
RSTNB Note states: "... The context here is that YHWH listens even to casual conversation amongst believers using His real and true Name..."
I do not know about you, but, I want my Creator to listen to my conversation when I use His Name and that a Book of remembrance will be written before Him about me. How about you?
One of the things that our Abba wants to be restored before our Savior returns to earth is His eternal Name. But not everyone will say it.
Go to: http://www.yhwh.com/Cross/cross22.htm to see how YHVH Tetragrammaton looks like a man when the letters are placed vertically.
Also see: http://www.eliyah.com/tetragrm.html for an explanation of the Tetragrammaton.
I hope that I do not offend anyone by using my Creator's Name of YHVH, but, I will not apologize for it. I love to hear His Name and to say it. I hope you will too. I have not converted to Judiasm by using His Name. In fact, the Jewish people will not say His Name. But, over and over we are encouraged in the Scriptures to use His Name and will be blessed when we do. I want to be blessed, don't you?
To me, God sounds so general or common, so why not use His True and Correct Name? Some has told me that we need to get down to where people are. But, I disagree with that. We are to bring people up to understand. When you explain to them what our Creator's Name is, then they will know what you are talking about when you say His Name and explain it.
So now that you know that "God" is not our Creator's Name, are you willing to start using His Name?
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance