You say you love Jesus, but do you get excited about Him as you do at a football, baseball or basketball game? I don't care to watch sports, so that's an easy one to answer for me.
Unfortunately, I have not.... I do get excited about Him and smile. But would you be willing to confess Him before people you care about and love? Or even in front of a group of people, or would you keep quiet?
If we love Him then we will keep His Commandments... John 14:15
So getting excited about Him does not always involve yelling and screaming. It means that you love Him by obeying His Commandments. Love is an action. Love without action is not really love. Yet at the same time, do we get excited about other things rather than our Savior Yshua?
Read the book of 1 John. It will be an eye opener for you regarding our Creator's Commandments!
Remember, the book of 1 John was just being penned and had not been canonized yet. So, the Commandments that Yshua was talking about were His Father's Commandments in the Torah, Prophets and Writings.
Laodicea was known for its exceptional black wool, medical school, and banking. It was also the picture of ungodly compromise. To illustrate the church's indifferent commitment to HIM, Yeshua referred to the two sources of water available to them ~ the icy streams of the Hierapolis and the hot mineral springs to the south. However, once the water reached the city through the six-mile Roman aqueduct, it was tepid and undrinkable. Lukewarm believers who had accommodated secular society had become likewise repellent.
Laodicea was also a very affluent city, and the believers there were complacent, self-satisfied, and essentially useless to the Kingdom of Elohim. They had chosen comfort over spiritual combat and cooperation with the secular culture rather than wholehearted commitment to Messiah Yeshua. Partial obedience is Always disobedience, which is abhorrent to Adonai. And any wealth you hold too tightly in opposition to HIS Will, you will lose!
"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am going to vomit you out of My Mouth." ~ Hazon Revelation 3:15-16 HS
We all know how awful we feel before we throw up. It can hurt so bad and we feel like we are dying at times or wish we were. That is how Yshua feels about someone who is lukewarm. Revelation 3:16.
I do not want to be lukewarm. I press on toward becoming who He wants me to be. I hope you are too. You must be if you have gotten this far in my links to read them.
May you have a blessed day.
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance