Sep, 2012
A couple more lies we have been told are the meanings of the words "Amen" and "Church."
We were taught that "Amen" meant "so be it." and we always say it at the end of our prayers!
Then, there is the word Church... wait until you see what the root word of Church means...
The following article is written by Diane Wilder of "House of Joseph Ministries" titled "Amein and the Kahal."
"There is a word in almost every Bible that we have all grown accustomed to using. That word is "church."
The Greek word rendered for church is ekklesia. Tyndale, in his translation, only used the word church when he translated Acts 19:37 and then he was referencing "heathen temples."
The actual Hebrew equivalent is kahal. Both ekklesia and kahal mean an assembly or a congregation, not a certain building.
So where did we get the word church from? The word church actually traces back to the Old English or Anglo-Saxon root word "Circe."
So what is Circe? I'm glad you asked. You can look in any encyclopedia or dictionary of mythology and see who Circe was. She was the goddess-daughter of Helios the sun-deity!
It seems we as a people always want to get the sun worship in there one way or another. So the word Circe is related to circus, circle, and circuit among others.
The Old English word Circe could have been pronounced like "kirke" or "sirse." The Latin would be pronounced "sirke." In fact, Circe was originally a Greek goddess where her name was written as "Kirke" and pronounced just that way.
The word church in Scotland is "Kirk", in German it's "Kirche", and in the Netherlands it's "Kerk." These words show an even better derivation from the Greek "Kirke" than our english version church does.
So my question to the body of believers is, why are we using a pagan name of a sun god to describe ourselves with? It seems we keep uncovering more and more layers of pagan things that have found their way into the body today. It makes you scratch your head and wonder, where did we all go wrong except "everywhere?"
It's a little pagan word here, a cross symbol there, and idols everywhere.
Let's take the word Amen. The Hebrew word of the Old Testament shows us the word "should be" AMEIN.
Here again we see an Egyptian Sun-god named "Amen-Ra." His identification with Baal establishes him as a solar deity. Smith's Bible Dictionary expresses AMEN as, an Egyptian divinity worshipped as Amen the Sun.
Yeshua calls Himself the Amein in Rev 3:14, yet we have it translated as Amen in every bible I checked.
I don't think Yeshua would align Himself up with a title that a Sun-god was called after.
So let's start learning and using the correct terms in our walk as best we know how and give the pagan words back to the pagans!
YHVH is bringing His people back in both the language and the walk of the first century kahal.
As we can see, these are some more lies we have been told. You may say that it is not a big deal... But,
as Diane said, would Yshua identify Himself with an Egyptian sun god? I do not believe He would. Do you? It is really hard to break the habit of saying "Amen" because that is what we have been taught.
I remember when my friend Judy and I first learned that Amen was an Egyptian sun god, we were amazed.
Judy and I went to see Perry Stone and we would say "Amen", then we would look at each other and say AH-MEIN!"
The people behind us probably thought we were nuts. But oh well... I'd rather be nuts than to be falsely informed any longer.
How about you?
Then, there is the word "Church". The Apostle Paul always used the word "Kahal" which meant "assembly" or "congregation" of believers.
Do you want to identify yourself with a pagan goddess?
Let's start referring to ourselves as an assembly of believers or congregation of believers following our Messiah...
Sounds like a much better idea, don't you think?
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Only Eloah,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amein!"
1 Timothy 1:17
Shalom and abundant blessings,
Anna Constance